#22 The Calm Before the Storm

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The day before

"Tiara, come here.", El called out and got my attention downstairs. I used the few hours to lay down in my room, getting some rest my body was graving for. But as soon as I quickly raised, ignoring the dizziness because I stood up too fast, I felt the restlessness crawling down my body again.

„Are they back?", I asked as I didn't even reach the bottom, but what caught my eyes as soon as my figure came around the corner, was El sitting in front of the stack with her eyes laying on the glimpse of fire. Her face spun around once she noticed me approaching, her eyes in a familiar kind of worry.

„No.", she said. „Come here, quick!"

The fire did a hissing sound, the embers blew up, but my friend wasn't staring simply into the flames to calm down a bit, she was directly looking into Harry's troubled face appearing in the disguise of fire.

„Harry?", I asked and kneeled down too.

„Just listen, we don't have much time.", he urged. His burning eyes flickering between us. „You need to leave the house immediately. I let him in, after we escaped Gringotts. He knows, Tiara. He knows that we're hunting these Horcruxes and that you're in the beach house. I bet he's already on his way, you need to go immediately!"

„What?", El breathed out and already lifted from her position, the panic to be captured again oozing out of every pore.

„We're with Aberforth Dumbledore in Hogsmeade, it's dangerous, because there are Snatchers everywhere, but you need to inform the Order and come here. You hear me? I will explain everything to you.", Harry quickly said. „But now hurry!" and with that, he was gone.

„Oh my god.", El called out, while Bill had already approached from the kitchen counter.

„Tiara go upstairs and wake Fleur for me. I will go get Ollivander. I know where we need to go.", he laid his hand on my shoulder and shot me a warm-hearted smile, before he quickly turned to a house elf, which stood nervously next to him. „You heard him, Rengold, go and inform the others. And bring my family there safe."

I immediately did as he has told, jumped up the stairs and woke Fleur, after I watched Rengold apparating out of the living area. The woman quickly went to help her husband preparing, while I already joined El again, who waited with her small bag leaned on the couch.

„Am I the only one who didn't know that Dumbledore had a brother?", El raised her eyebrow in the best attempt to loose some tension.

„I'm more curious about why they are with him.", I answered. But once I spoke it out and Bill, Fleur and Ollivander came down the stairs, I felt a wave of pressure on my left side as I felt the windows exploding out of their frames.

We all came down to the ground, our hands over the heads to shield us from the shards. The room was filled with a wave of black, swaying around in the house for the simply sake of destroy.

„Get my hand!", Bill called out, quickly crouching forward without loosen the tight grip around his wife. Fleur had her hand firmly intertwined with Ollivander's, who just had closed his eyes in awaiting of the final stroke, his body shaking. El and I grabbed each other's hands almost painfully, while my friend reached the ginger's hand first. I felt the next window explode right as Bellatrix appeared on the side of two other death eaters next to the stack out of which Harry warned us just a minute ago. Her smile devilish on me, but before she could do anything, I felt the world around us change and my body finding the hard ground of a narrowing path.

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