#10 Truth Telling

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„Ronald, what are you doing here!", Remus hissed as he brought us into a house near the café we just were found. It was small, but homey as we entered, a fire was bustling in the stack opposite the couch. It was decorated in Christmas attire, green and red mixed up with gold and white all along the house.

„Did you get the spiced chicken?"

Tonks sat on the couch, a mug in her hands as she looked over to the door through which we just came - El to her right. The realization hit me like a sledge hammer. Seeing her as hurtful like it was in the memory of my funeral.

„Dad, what -„, El started, but quickly jumped off the couch as soon as she saw Ron's exhausted figure. „What the hell? Ron, what are you doing here."

She jumped in his arms, rushed past me like she wouldn't know me - well, which was the case with my current appearance. None of them recognized me.

„I found them two outside near the Bulow Road. They were held in the narrow corner by some death eaters.", Remus breathed out as he sat down, his face crunched up in pain as he laid his hands on the side of his stomach. Just then I realized that the shirt he was wearing was already red with the blood he spilt.

„Oh god.", I breathed out and leaped forward until I kneeled in front of him. I lifted my hands to think about something as I saw the small injury. „Okay, Ron, take my bag and give me the small vial with the blue liquid, okay?"

„How did this happen?", Tonks asked and was quick to lift the edge off the shirt.

„He got into the crossfire.", I said in thoughts while Ron held out the potion I took with me in case I would get hurt on this journey. „God, why didn't you say something as I asked you if you're good.", I mumbled more to myself. „okay, El? Give your Dad something to bite down or grip. This will hurt a bit."

The girl's eyes lingered a few seconds on me, before she walked past a door, leading down a corridor. The blue-haired girl was soon back with a towel, which she handed her father, tears threatened to fall as she stationed herself next to Ron behind me.

„Bite on that.", I quickly said.

„I know what this is, young lady.", Remus huffed in a friendly way, but flinched as he took the towel between his fingers to grab down firmly once I poured the potion over the cut on his side. It quickly closed with a hissing sound, mixed up with the suppressed groans of the man in front of me.

„I'm so sorry, Remus.", I whispered. „Just one more time okay?"

The potion closed the rest of the injury he probably got from a severing charm and I exhaled sharply as I stood up and put the close back on the vial.

„No, we need to thank you.", Tonks said, but kept her gaze on her man next to her.

„Don't thank me, please.", I huffed nervously. „It's important for you to keep undetected, we never wanted to risk that."

But by the curious looks I got from them, I could slap myself for the careless rumbling.

„Who are you, young lady?", Tonks smiled at me with furrowed eyebrows. The room grew silent in awaiting off an answer. I opened my mouth in the attempt to find the right response, but I couldn't. What should I say? If I would tell them the truth, they would never believe me, especially with the brown eyes so far away from the green friendly ones they were used to. With the black hair the completely opposite of my blonde curls - almost metaphorical for our life. And if I would tell them something different, they wouldn't believe me either. I didn't even know the name of the girl I was transformed into. But as I looked at my companion, I had a bad feeling. Ron's eyes lingered on me, debating what he should say. Or if he should say something at all.

𝒯𝒽ℯ 𝒫𝓇ℴ𝓂𝒾𝓈ℯ𝒹 𝒪𝓃ℯ | 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 |Where stories live. Discover now