#2 Choices and Decisions

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"Sorry to say that, but your family is mental", Ron huffed after I finished catching them up on what happened over the holidays.

„Sensible, Ron.", Hermione rolled her eyes and diverted them back on me in front of her.

„That's the way families like mine work, Weasley.", I raised my eyebrow at him. Although, I couldn't blame the ginger boy. I just told them, that my sixteen years old sister met her future husband, who was doubtless their biggest opponent in Hogwarts.

„I can't believe you're actually into Malfoy.", Harry raised his eyebrows while he fiddled with the fabric of his seat.

„Seriously?", I questioned in disbelief. "I just told you my sister got promised and all you have to say about this is 'I can't believe you're into Malfoy?'" I rolled my eyes on which he held out his hands defensively, but with a small smirk on his lips.

„And what now?", Hermione chipped in again. „They're engaged in some way?" Her slightly disgusted face amused me, mixing up with sympathy she had for my situation.

„No, not yet. But our parents and the two of them signed a magical contract. It's sealed that they will get engaged and married when the time comes. Mother said something about after graduation", I answered with a small smile.

The weakest I could do for weeks now.

"And if they just don't? What happened if they break the contract?", Harry asked and leaned himself back before handing Ron the package of chocolate frogs he just bought from the Serving trolley.

"If it's a normal magical contract everyone who signed it is bonded to it. If one of them breaks it, it has consequences. Serious consequences", Hermione added her knowledge with her hands on her knees, her head tilting a bit in compassion as she looked at me. Knowing as good as I did that there was really no way out.

"Mother didn't tell me, I don't know if Maribel is aware of that, but I once heard about someone breaking a magical contract willingly and this wizard slowly died. Wouldn't risk that if I was them.", I said and shove a hand full of toffee in my mouth to avoid answering more questions.

„Pour Bel.", El breathed out and leaned back next to me while my gaze was wandering to the blurry surroundings rushing by outside the train window.

It was calming in some way. Seeing things rushing by, just like time. It felt forever and like a minute at the same, that all I cared about were my classes and dress robes, while I looked out of these windows.

„How is she holding up?", Harry asked. His hand came up to grab his neck and ruffle through his hair. The boy couldn't hold my gaze and his tension hidden.

I couldn't either.

What should I tell him?

That Maribel was refusing to talk to him ever again, because she thought that Harry could have done something about Cedric's death? Prevent it?

That my parents were dropping that they believed the ministry and that Harry and Dumbledore were liars? That they tried to get a hold on the ministry, along with my fathers seat as right hand off the minister himself?

That they didn't believe a word about You-Know-Who's returning? Or that if it was true, they weren't bothered at all.

„She's changed", I then said.

Definitely the truth. My sister did change.

I hoped that her colder and emotionless self would be a phase in her process of grieving, but she stayed like that. She got her smile back for that matter, but it didn't reach her eyes anymore. She started to speak again, but other than most of the time we were with our parents, she didn't fake her words.

𝒯𝒽ℯ 𝒫𝓇ℴ𝓂𝒾𝓈ℯ𝒹 𝒪𝓃ℯ | 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 |Where stories live. Discover now