#22 A Shape of Grey

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Draco and I were both released from the hospital wing on the next day. Mother didn't come by again, she talked to Snape and returned home. Clearly not to her liking, but at least she respected my bidding.

I fell asleep in Draco's comfort that evening. And it was probably the first good sleep in weeks. Without a nightmare, without a nose bleed and without grey eyes.

It was just calming, maybe even peaceful, sleeping in his arms.

As Madam Pomfrey woke us up, she had a disapproving expression on her face, immediately checked on my injury and if the company in bed caused any damage, but it was fine.

And since Draco seemed to be rested enough to get on his feet, he helped me back to the dungeons as soon as I assured the healer that I would keep it low for the next days.

The common room was busting with students as we entered. It was the day of the quidditch match, so everyone who hadn't classes, was waiting patiently for the game against Ravenclaw.

To say that Draco watched me like I could faint any second would be an understatement. He was aware of my pale skin and kept his hand on my back all the way to the dungeons. The boy scared a second year away to make me sit down on the couch near the fireplace, but I headed straight to the dorm to get changed.

There was no way I would miss the quidditch game.

I played the ‚I'm still exhausted and need some distractions' card to make Draco come with me. Not really because I needed distraction, but because I knew he did.

Surprisingly, he didn't decline. He seemed to be so caught up into whatever his role was in this, that anyone barely saw him around in the last weeks. I almost started to cry as he let a bit of his old self shine through. The attempt of a smirk on his lips as he agreed.

He even smiled as I came back to the common room dressed in his quidditch jumper I packed this year.

„You look like the perfect number one fan.", he chuckled and laid his hand on my back to guide me towards the entrance. Draco had put on a light grey jumper, black trousers and expensive looking shoes. Dragon leather. A little bit more casual than I was used to.

„What should I say.", I shrugged. „My favorite player quitted this year."

"That sounds tragic, Tiara.", Draco shook his head amused. "It's unimaginable how you're coping with that. I heard he was a really good player and really good looking on the field. Orin general."

"Yeah, it's a shame. But the rest of the team is good too. I heard the new Seeker is kinds hot.", I grinned.

„Hey, watch it.", Draco shook his head amused and surprisingly reached down to intertwin our fingers as we walked through the corridors.

But we didn't come that far until I felt a pair of hands on my arm. As I turned, I looked into two troubled green orbs.

„Potter, I warn you.", he pulled me away and stationed himself in front of me. Draco's eyes immediately became small slits as they traveled up and down on the boy, his towering self just a few inches away. "If you're laying your hands on her one more time, I will break them."

„Draco, wait.", I laid my own on his shoulder and came hesitantly forward. „It's okay."

„I- I need to talk to you.", Harry looked at me, but couldn't hold my gaze. He wasn't even looking at Draco, who scoffed and watched me expectantly.

But as I spun around, it quickly turned from expectation to disbelief.

„Would you go ahead? I will be right back and join you in the stands.", I tried to smooth his hard features with a soft smile, but he remained.

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