#7 Hogsmeade Poisoning

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Draco vanished again. Not just simply wasn't around, he vanished.

And with that I mean he wasn't showing up to Potions on Tuesday. He wasn't approaching Defense Against the Dark Arts on Friday and I didn't even see him in lunch breaks or breakfast.

There were a small amount of dinner times he participated, but I mostly sat with El and Luna or Blaise and Pansy on the other end of the table, while Draco was there late and sat down on any free spot, not caring where he ended up. Sometimes he even just grabbed himself a piece of bread and some cheese, before he went right away.

"So, you're telling me you guys didn't talk?", Blaise furrowed his eyebrow as we walked through the snowy path leading down towards Hogsmeade on the Saturday afternoon. "I thought you were waiting for him in the common room yesterday?"

"I was.", I huffed. "I believed he was out again, but I fell asleep on the couch while I waited. Pansy she -"

"I know, Theo told me.", Blaise interrupted me with a pitiful smile, before he looked down on the white blanket of snow under his feet.

Of course he did.

I had a nightmare again. One of the kind where I screamed myself awake with a raw throat and the image of my sister's body shouting at me that her death was entirely my fault.

I was lucky that Pansy stayed out with Theodore, sneaking around the grounds again probably, and shook me awake with my forehead covered in sweat.

If I wasn't caught in the illusion, I would laugh at Theo for his startled and scared face. Especially as he quickly grabbed a napkin out of the box on the table near the window to hand it to me, while Pansy tried to calm me down. But I was just staring and took it out of Theodore's hands, wiping the blood from my nose.

Nose bleeds happened every time when I had an intense one of those dreams or was putting a big effort into something. It wasn't much blood, but it happened.

"I'm worried.", Blaise then said, before lifting his gaze.

"Me too, he seems caught up into something.", I returned, but shortly after felt Blaise's hand on my arm.

"About you, silly.", he snickered, but remained serious. "You don't laugh. I didn't see you reading anymore, at least not one of your favorites. It's like since your sister died, you're - And those nose bleeds? Maybe you should go talk to Dumbledore about it. Or Madam Pomfrey."

"Blaise, calm down, it's nothing.", I rolled my eyes, avoiding his, as I put my hands in the pockets of my winter coat.

"I just thought, it's maybe helpful to -"

"I said it's nothing, Blaise. Stop fussing over me.", I snapped and stopped in my tracks to look at him.

My friends features crumbled a bit, but he soon held out his hands in defeat, before we continued towards the Three Broomsticks.

"So, you're gonna join us?", I asked to ease the small tension again, nudging his shoulder.

"No, I'm actually meeting with Pansy, Daphne and Theo, but catch up to you later?", he smiled again and entered the pub after he held open the door for me.

As I entered, my eyes immediately flew to the table up front where El, Ron, Hermione and Harry were already resting. Ron's eyes were narrowing on a booth in the corner of the room, Harry next to him eying the door, immediately waving me over, while the two girls were in conversation.

"Oh, bloody hell.", the ginger breathed out annoyed right as I approached.

"Charming Ron.", I raised my eyebrows at him, before I let my tongue clicking im amusement.

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