#28 The Final Battle

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„You're staying with me, do you hear me?", Draco urged me forward with his arm around my body. The boy had picked up a wand which was laying on the floor. I had mine at the ready too.

The battle started again, even though Voldemort's side cleared out by the struggle and fear causing most of them to apparate. I quickly blocked a spell which was directly aimed at us, right before it could hit my side. As I turned around, I looked into Bellatrix's grinning expression. She raised her wand again, but instead of sending another curse our way, she needed to block Draco's. Her expression changed, her eyes widened, as the blonde sent one spell after the other again.

„Draco, that's not like you treat your family!", she snickered as the duel stopped for a moment.

„Well, inevitable differences.", Draco huffed in a sarcastic manor, before he started to flick his wand again, but the woman changed into black smoke and disappeared.

We quickly moved forward, stumbled over the stones laying in our way. My lungs were burning as Draco urged me towards the Great Hall, were the spells were flying between the walls, shuttering even more of the castle to its grounds.

"Watch out!", Draco pulled me back and raised his wand towards the attacker, sending him back against the wall unconscious after the spell missed us by less than an inch on my right.

His arm tightened while my gaze flickered across the room, searching for known faces. The white covered stretches were sprinkled with dust, the ones where the injured laid on, were empty. Just then I saw Blaise defending a Ravenclaw girl I remembered from Astronomy class. She had her hands over her face, shielding from the danger approaching her. But my best friend blocked the spell with his one hand pressed on his wound, sending a string from the tip of his wand around the death eaters throat, until his face turned purple and his body crashed to the ground.

The boy's eyes darted over, his breath heavy, but right as I let the relief sink in, that he wasn't hurt more than he already was, his eyes widened.

"Behind you!", he yelled from his position and made us spin around. Rookwood, a wizard I remembered from the ministry battle, had sneaked up and was now grinning at us with a devilish smirk, before he shot. Draco stood secure to my side, his arm protectively in front of my body as he pulled us aside, but Rookwood's curse grazed the boy's shoulder. As fast as I could I cast the spell, let the man froze to his spot and Draco, who had his hand pressed against the cut, let him explode with a strong shove.

The boy breathed out with a growl, so I quickly dug away with him and lifted his face.

"How bad is it?", I asked hectically and watched the blood inking the black suit even darker a bit. Maybe I wouldn't have noticed that he was bleeding, when it wasn't for his fingers being covered.

"It's nothing, it nearly touched me. We need to keep going.", Draco said and put his hand back on his shoulder before he shoved me with him to his feet.

Right then I saw Bellatrix appearing again, just a few steps in front of Ginny who gladly managed to block her spell right away. Mrs. Weasley, who was protecting her daughter's back, turned around and looked at the dark witch with narrowing eyes.

"Not my daughter, you bitch!", I heard slipping over the woman's lips, before she caught Bellatrix in a battle she could never win against the stormy rage of a protective mother.

𝒯𝒽ℯ 𝒫𝓇ℴ𝓂𝒾𝓈ℯ𝒹 𝒪𝓃ℯ | 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 |Where stories live. Discover now