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23/May/1998 - 21 days after the Battle of Hogwarts

I reached out my hand to stroke over hers, sliding my fingers between her numb ones, before I settled down on the paper again. The side was ripped at the edge, I remembered that day we almost kissed in fourth year right after the second task of the Triwizard Tournament like it was yesterday.

"Dear Diary. It's pathetic to think that there was something more beautiful than the ocean. Its waves, its floating movements, its color. Some say that water has no color, but I think these people are fools. It maybe isn't the strongest and bright one like the color of earth, or clouds in the shade of the sunrise. But it's the color of blue in its most innocent way, the color of green melting into a shade of brightness with the sun touching the seaweed. Just today after she told me the story from the river, I noticed there was something more beautiful than the color of the ocean. And I found it in her eyes.", I finished the page and looked up at her sleeping face.

She almost looked peaceful, carless and lighthearted, like none of the trauma she suffered happened in the first place.

When it wasn't for the blood infusion leading to the access on her arm, the white bed sheets and the dull sound of the hospital rumbling in the background through the closed door, I would have thought it was simply her falling asleep in the sound of my voice, like she did so many times in the Manor. Like we wouldn't be in St. Mungo's Hospital on the fourth floor, the long-term residents' ward.

"There has to be something we can do.", I felt my voice raising in frustration. I really tried to ease it down most of the time, but since we came here, we didn't come any further in helping her. If Tiara was awake, she would probably talk to my senses that the healer simply did what she could and that she was the last one to be angry about, but she wasn't, so I exceeded the point where I could sit still a while ago.

"My boy, she lost a lot of blood which her body can't reproduce, because of the curse she's under. The blood-replenishing potion isn't working, we tried with the blood transfusions, I think it's helping for now, but we can only be sure when she wakes up."

"You're lucky, that I love you, Fox.", I smirked sadly and turned the page with my free hand. "If you're ever gonna tell anyone that I have something pathetic like a diary, I need to kill you." The hand that was still holding hers came up to my lips, placing a kiss on her skin.

The back of her hand pale and cold, even though I could've sworn that it was a bit warmer than the days before.

"It's been three weeks.", I rubbed the back of my nose. "And she didn't wake up. You said the cut is healed."

"Mr. Malfoy!", she firmly said as I rose my voice. "We don't know what an impact this curse has on her. The blood curse on the Rosier family envelopes different on each girl which is infected. It didn't show up in generations, because there wasn't an act of pure anger like on the first affected."

— Fucking Umbridge —

„The last documented case was back in the 17th century."

The woman didn't seem too impressed by my temper as I rose from the seat and paced around in the area behind it, up to the point where I clenched on the back of it as tight as I could.

"Then get familiar with it and help her!", I spat.

„I'm waiting for Mrs. Granger's report from Paris, Mr. Malfoy and until then there is nothing we can do.", the woman raised her eyebrow and checked the infusion access through which she supplied the blood since yesterday. Slowly, to make sure in case her body repulsed this, that there was something to do. Like the day the healer tried the replenishing potion, which, as soon as she instilled, were repulsed by pouring out of her nose in a steady trickle of blood. Like that day where her heart stopped for two minutes and 23 seconds.

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