#19 A Rescue Mission

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„Don't touch me!", Ron squinted himself out of Wormtail's grip. If it wasn't for that situation, I probably had to smile at the thought, that Wormtail was so many years Ron's rat and was now the one bringing him down into the Malfoy dungeons.

The small, mouse-like man had his wand pointed at the gingers back, while I had Harry secure with my own. Of course, I wouldn't consider to do anything if he tried to escape, but I needed to keep the picture. Wormtail opened the gate and shoved Ron into the dungeon. El sat with her knees pulled to the chest on the side next to the entrance. Her gaze shooting up as soon as the door opened. She sat on the blanket I brought them a week ago, charmed to be thick enough to be comfortable on the stone floor.

„I'm taking it from here, Wormtail, thank you.", I said as demanding as I could manage. The short man nodded in respond and walked back through the dark corridor.

Ron was thrashing in his restrains, his face full of frustration. „Hermione!", he called as soon as Wormtail was out of ear reach.

„Ron, stop yelling or he's back sooner then you want. Maybe somebody worse.", I hissed in his direction and watched El lifting from her seat, quickly tiptoed over to walk into Harry's relieved, but chained figure. Luna soon followed with Ollivander and a goblin who joined them a few days ago. He introduced himself as Griphook.

„Merlin, you're okay. We were so worried as Ron told us you were here.", Harry silently said.

„Yes, and sadly we were worried about you too. But you seemed to be well integrated as Voldemort's right hand, hm?", the ginger huffed as I walked into the room a little bit more.

„Stop that, Ron. It's not what it looks like.", El's small voice rung out once her body pulled back and started to undo Harry's restrains.

I did a few steps towards the ginger, tried to ditch the heavy feeling of rejection as I caught his eyes. The glimpse in them embodied the betrayal he felt, the feeling of being deceived. But there was something else. The way he looked into my eyes, which were probably saying as much as his, he somehow knew, that it wasn't that easy.

„You know me.", I said. „And that I would never do that out of my own accord. Believe me, I hadn't a chance. So, please, let me loose that restrains. It will save you time to find a way getting out of here and I promise I will do what I can to help Hermione meanwhile."

Harry nodded silently as he laid an arm around El's body as soon as his arms were loosened. While Ron let me get rid of the ropes around his wrists, was Harry clicking the deluminator in Ron's jacket to lighten up the area.

„You need to hurry.", El urged me back. „If you're too long gone, they get suspicious."

Just then a hurtful scream, which wasn't easy to hear echoed around the walls.

„Hermione!", Ron again yelled, but was hold back by Harry, who struggled with keeping a clear mind too. I quickly nodded in their direction.

„I'm doing what I can, I promise.", I said. "Griphook, I need you to come with me."

I turned to the goblin, waited until he hesitantly followed and walked back through the corridors. My body was pumping with adrenaline as I walked back into the entrance hall and saw my friend laying on the floor, with her arms spread to the side and Bellatrix sitting on her body, scratching something in my friends arm. Hermione's face was drowning in tears. As I was about to leap forward to get to her, Lucius quickly got a hole on my wrist and pulled me back a bit. Draco did a step forward in our direction, his eyes warningly on him.

"The - the goblin is here, Bellatrix.", I said as firmly as I could.

"What took you so long?", Bellatrix furrowed her eyebrows, while Lucius pulled me more to the side line. Narcissa rather stayed behind, just her eyes darted over compassionate and my heart was beating in such a loud sound, that I was worried they could all hear it through the tension.

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