#8 Battle of the Dragons

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It was the first day of the Triwizard Tournament. Maribel and I hurried down the corridor leading to the Great Hall to meet Hermione on the front door. We arranged to go see Harry and Cedric before the first task started.

I was glade that Hermione seemed to start supporting Harry on his difficult way. It was a good thing, because every time I saw the dark-haired boy in the last days, he looked miserable with all the dagger eyes his way and the name calling. It wasn't often I saw him though, probably because he stayed the most time in his dorm room to keep all the trouble out of the way.

I couldn't blame him.

"Good, I thought you already went down to the arena", Hermione said as she greeted us.

"No way, where is Ron?", I asked. "He's coming right?"

"He's already in the stands, saving us seats", the Gryffindor smiled.

It was hard to keep up with the not only smart but nimble witch all the way down to the champions tent, where voices from the attendees and their teachers rung out. Hermione was able to find a gap between two curtains on the back of the tent, her figure tense as she tried to get the attention of hopefully the right people inside.

"If Dumbledore will stick out his head instead of Harry or Cedric I will loose my mind", I snickered, but a muffling sound directed my attention back. It indeed sounded like a boys' pacing breath.

"Harry?", Maribel asked unsure and breathed out relieved as the boy agreed.

"Cedric is here too", he said in a low tone.

"How are you feeling?", Hermione asked sympathetically.

"The key is concentration. After all you just have to -", I began, but the boy was quick to interrupt me.

"Yeah, battle a dragon", he finished, audible shifting from one foot to the other.

Hermione seemed as if she couldn't hold back anymore. She rushed through the gap and embraced him in a tight hug. Maribel did the same. She slipped through the curtains and immediately cuddled herself in the chest of the tall Hufflepuff in front of her, who directly laid his arms around her protectively. I stepped closer, smiled at Cedric over my sisters' shoulder to wish him good luck silently.

"You will do good, lover boy", I snickered as I quickly touched his arm in comfort. Just then the flash of a camera grabbed our attention.

"A young love", Rita Skeeter, a Daily Prophet reporter said, eyeing her enchanted quill amused. "How stirring. Especially between the sunny boy and a Fox sister."

I felt anger crawling up my body. Cedric didn't release my sister out of his arms, he directed her a step backwards to be shielded from the woman in front of her. Other than I, Maribel didn't have any expression on her face, nor color for that matter.

"If everything goes unfortunately today, you all might just make the front page", Rita grinned smugly.

"I wonder what my father will think about your article after your incorrectly expose his daughter", I said firmly, aware of Maribel flinching by the mentioning of our Dad. He and mother were the reason why she needed to be careful with her relationship. They couldn't see that on the front page, under any circumstances.

But that was nothing Rita was aware of. Her eyes shortly lingered on me as the rest of the champions gathered around too.

"You have no business here. This tent is for champions and friends", Victor Krum stepped up too, causing the reporter to turn around as his gaze settled down softly on Hermione.

𝒯𝒽ℯ 𝒫𝓇ℴ𝓂𝒾𝓈ℯ𝒹 𝒪𝓃ℯ | 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 |Where stories live. Discover now