#21 Loosen Tongues & Confirmations

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„Harry, you know I'm in with everything you wanna do for saving Sirius, but could you at least tell us where we're going?"

It was hard to catch up with the boy, who showed his speed he used in every quidditch game I witnessed in his fast steps, as he hurried us back into the castle.

Ron and Hermione were right behind me, their breaths hitching in exhaustion, while El was searching the crowd for Ginny, Luna and Neville for help.

„He's in the Ministry.", Harry just said while we climbed the stairs towards the fourth floor.

„Harry are you sure?", Hermione asked with her pacing breath as she tried to catch up next to me. Her face startled, but there was no doubt she was going to follow him too, where ever he was dragging us into.

„I saw it. It's the same like with Mr. Weasley. It's the same door I was dreaming about for months, I just couldn't remember where I have been seeing it before.", Harry quickly explained.

If it wasn't for his steady speed, I would've stopped in my tracks at his words, thinking about my own dreams and the effort Firenze laid into interpretation and helping me without even more solution than I had collected myself. Except for one thing as Firenze let me repeat the voice I heard every time.

It was Parseltongue.

„You have visions too?", I asked stunned. Ron was quick to shot me a confused look, while he tried not to stumble on the steps as the stairs moved again.

„Too? What do you mean ‚too'?", he asked, but Harry didn't let room for detailed explanation. Maybe he didn't listen, but I wouldn't blame him. If my godfather, or in my case my sister, would be in danger, I would be on edge and tunneling too.

„Sirius said Voldemort is after something. Something he hadn't the first time. And it's in the Department of Mystery.", Harry went on, right as we reached a too familiar too chilling floor which caused me a shutter running through my whole body.

„Harry, please listen.", Hermione cried out on the edge of the stairs, made Harry finally stop in his tracks and gave us the chance to catch some breath.

„What if Voldemort meant for you to see this. He just has Sirius because he's trying to get to you.", Hermione added in a small voice, aware that this wouldn't chance the brown-haired decision.

„And what if he is? Am I suppose to let him die? Hermione, he is the only family I have got left.", Harry said. His eyes were pleading for us to come with him and so I silently nodded in respond to let him know that I was in.

„What do we do?", Ron asked, his eyes determined on his best pale. Harry took the opportunity to go on, straight into the corridor leading to the pink dragon's dent.

„We've got to use the flu network. And the only one who's not under the surveillance is in Umbridge's office."

The kitten cried out at soon as we entered the room. Harry explained that he ordered El and the others to station themselves on the corridors to procure us as much time as they could manage.

Hermione rumbled on to search the desk for the pulver, while Ron and I took the big closets and vitrines on the walls and Harry the mantel.

„If Umbridge catches us we're in big trouble.", Ron whispered as we quickly and messily searched the different shelves. „Especially you."

„That. You. Are."

The voice was cutting through my oxygen as if the professor cut the only supply.

𝒯𝒽ℯ 𝒫𝓇ℴ𝓂𝒾𝓈ℯ𝒹 𝒪𝓃ℯ | 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 |Where stories live. Discover now