#1 The Aftermath

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Dear Tiara,
your mother told me that you aren't at your Mansion, but with friends of you. I hope they're taking good care of the lovely young lady, I was so grateful to finally meet.
I was thinking a lot about writing this letter, because no words seem right to tell you how sorry I am. To make you believe how I'm feeling about what happened and what I would do to change it.
I'm probably one of the last people you wanna hear this from, but I felt as if it was somehow my obligation.
What Lucius did, is not to excuse in any kind, I hope you know that I'm thinking the same way.
Taking away someones child, a sister, is something I'm dismayed about.
I don't know how you're feeling and I won't dare to imagine it, but you have my prayers every night I'm going to sleep and my first thought waking up in the morning. And also from Draco. I saw him sitting over his own piece of parchment all summer, not finding the right words since you saw each other. I want you to know, that he feels terrible for his father, and really guilty too. But my son is not nearly like him. He cares and he needs you, even though he wouldn't directly admit that.
I'm sorry, Tiara. For everything. And I hope you can forgive me until we see each other again one day.
Narcissa Malfoy

I read over the letter four times, trying to figure out how I was feeling about it.

I wouldn't doubt, that Narcissa was sorry, that Draco was. And I wasn't lifting the weight of what happened on his shoulders.

But since I met him on Maribel's grave and we stayed there in silent until he decided to fly back home, we weren't in contact the rest of the summer.

A week later, my mother decided to go back to work to distract herself and since she was a workaholic, especially when she took it for distraction, she was gone most of the time.

I couldn't be alone in a house, which reminded me of my sister where ever I was looking at. There were pictures of us. Her room, in which I wasn't able to go into since she's gone. I was too afraid of the memories crashing in on me as soon as I would. My mother couldn't either.

Every corridor, the library, the garden. It didn't matter where I went, every inch of is reminded me of her.

So I left.

Dear Mom,
I can't be alone here, I'm spending the last two weeks before heading back to Hogwarts at El's.
Don't worry about me, Remus and Tonks already offered, I will send you an owl when I got there.
I love you, Tiara.

I put the note on the dresser in the entrance hall for her to find as soon as she would come back from work and left without one gaze over my shoulder.

It was a lie that I stayed at El's. I knew that she was spending her holidays with Luna and there was no way I would crash that. At least my friends should have a normal and good summer vacation.

Blaise offered me to stop by when ever I felt the need, but since he was Draco's best friend and in contact with the rest of the Slytherins, I couldn't risk to be confronted with them before I was ready for it.

If I would be ready at all.

I knew that the Weasley's were busy enough, they didn't need a Fox descendant with them too. And after my family wasn't the friendliest towards them, I wasn't sure, if they would let me in anyways. Hermione was on a trip with her parents, she wrote me a letter about a week ago.

So I ended up standing in front of Sirius house in London.

I knew where Harry and he were staying since the boy wrote me a long letter after the battle in the ministry.

He explained who the wizards and witches were, coming to our rescue, said they were some sort of organisation too and that he would explain me anything when we would see us again. The letter was delivered by a friendly house elf named Dobby, who apparated to our front porch a few days after I returned home.

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