#13 Wishes & Stars

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The air was cold, much colder as it was in the village all day long since the sun already went down. Looking over the edge at the surroundings of the castle was peaceful. The kind of inner peace I was graving for.

I ended up at the astronomy tower again, simply the only place pulling me to it as soon as my head felt like imploding. I felt my tears falling but my expression didn't change - another thing I learned from mother.

Never lose your face.

I let my gaze wander over the slowly but surely appearing stars above. I loved December for its bright, clear night skies which made stargazing so much easier. That's what Professor Sinistra told us about every time in class. I loved her way to teach us everything about the stars and planets. Every time she was talking about them, everything she said just simply made sense.

"What was that. I'm not interested in playing games", a familiar voice rang out from the entrance to the tower, but I didn't turn around this time. I wasn't exposing myself and Draco was the last person I wanted to see right now.

"I don't wanna talk", I simply said, but the crack in my voice gave me away. He eyed me for a moment, but remained.

"Shut it, Fox. I'm not leaving", Draco said and stepped nearer until he stood right by my side again, reminding me of the first time we communicated this school year.

"Seriously, Malfoy, I don't wanna talk to you right now", I rolled my eyes as I felt my walls crack again. I hated the way he's affecting me with simply being there. And I truly wished I just could go back to normality and simply hated him.

"Good, then we don't talk and just staring at the sky again." His eyes narrowed in the darkness in front, his features tense, but there was almost a hint of amusement in his voice.

God, he was annoying as ever. But I couldn't deny that I was secretly graving for his company. Just standing there like we did back then, was calming.

And he did as he told, he stayed silent and just didn't let me stand there alone which I really appreciated. Normally, I was forced to speak if something was on my mind, Maribel excluded, because she knew as good as I do, that I hated to talk when I'm in an unstable mind. That's why she didn't force me to talk after my nightmares either.

I hated that we were somehow fighting.

"I'm sorry that I didn't tell you I wasn't coming", I said after a few minutes, quitting the relaxing silence. But I didn't lift my eyes from the night sky, counting the little bright dots.

"Yeah, you bailed on me", Draco stated but his voice wasn't angry like I thought it would be. He even smiled a little, but didn't look at me either. He leaned forward over the edge, playing with his hands. "Not gonna lie I was pretty pissed that you kept me waiting in the common room."

"Well, you found yourself replacement quick, am I right?", I said quietly.

"You're jealous, Fox?", he snickered.


"No", I said amused.

"Why did you cancelled our date?" Dracos' voice was serious again, calming in some way.

"This wasn't a date, this would've been bet debts. And I had to be there for my sister", I breathed out in the same moment I turned on my heals and headed to the wall opposite to sit down. The stone floor was cold, probably too cold to sit on long, but I didn't mind. Feeling the cold rushing through my body relaxed me in some way.

"What's wrong?", Draco asked, simply turned around to face me but remained were he stood. His eyes were searching for something in my face, but I didn't know what exactly. I stopped crying, but I still felt the wetness on my cheeks every time a breeze caught me up.

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