#23 The Battle of the Ministry

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The floor was hard as we landed on - to our advantage was Hermione quick enough to shield us from the crash, otherwise we would've broken every bone in our body.

Especially Ron, Harry, El and I wouldn't be here, because we would've been already dead without the smart Gryffindor girl, thinking back to the many times she potentially saved our lifes.

The room we were in now changed. It's appearing quiet different from the corridor we left shattered in its splinters in the attempt to escape the death eaters hunting us after the first spell was fired.

It was brighter, just a little. Almost empty except a big and empty stone arch in the middle of an increase.

El had quickly approached Luna whose lip was bleeding, but the blonde assured her that everything was okay.

"The voices, can you tell what they're saying?", Harry stepped forward, looking at the stone arch in anticipation even though it was quiet and unspectacular.

Especially there weren't voices.

"There are no voices, Harry.", Hermione formulated my thought, following him anyways towards the solid walk through. "Let's get out off here, okay?"

"I hear them too.", Luna whispered and let go of El's hand to step next to Harry. Their gazes plastered on the emptiness of the arch.

"You're okay, Tiara?", Hermione whispered as she laid her hand on my arm, aware of my startled gaze focused on nothing particular.

I was just staring.

Figuring out why all this bad things were happening. Why I didn't notice that my father was a death eater, why I didn't notice that Maribel was slipping out of my hands that much.

But there wasn't time to answer her question.

All of a sudden we were submerged in black clouds of smoke, ripping us away from each other before any of us could react.

I could feel two hands grabbing me, pulling me back to the edge of the room. Not roughly, but enough to make me stumble on my feet.

"What the hell are you doing here, Tiara.", my father hissed in my ear as his both hands grabbed my shoulders tight. Next to him stood Maribel. Startled, as she flickered her eyes around the remaining people after the smoke had cleared out.

Everyone of us was held by a death eater, kept in place by firm grips and wands pointed at their sides.

"I could ask you the same.", I just hissed back, without looking at them. My eyes were plastered on Harry as I saw him standing alone in front of the stone arch. Lucius slowly approaching him.

"Did you actually believe or were you naive enough, to think that children stood a chance against us?", the blonde man chuckled deeply. "I'll make this simple for you, Potter. Give me the prophecy now, or watch your friends die."

My own grip were tight around the orb I still carried. The surface felt slippery now, almost flowding through my trembling hands.

Harry's eyes traveled around the room, looking at every remaining member of Dumbledore's army. Weighting up his options, while fear was glimmering in his eyes.

"Listen, I need you to get away from here as quickly as you can. You have nothing to do with this.", my father pleadingly whispered in my ear, but I just scuffed.

"I'm not leaving.", I said, not caring if anyone heard me. "I came to help my friends. To fight whatever you have planned."

As I turned my head to Maribel on my right side, she didn't hold my gaze. The corner of her eyes were covered in tears threatening to fall.

𝒯𝒽ℯ 𝒫𝓇ℴ𝓂𝒾𝓈ℯ𝒹 𝒪𝓃ℯ | 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 |Where stories live. Discover now