#24 The Boy Who Loved

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The music of the band played through the stadium as the champions paraded out for the final challenge. The whole school gathered around in a small arena facing with no doubt the biggest maze I've ever seen.

Snape announced the task an hour ago and leaded the Slytherin house down to the area shortly after. Maribel was nervous, of course, but I assured her that a maze was nothing keeping Cedric, the boy who fought dragons and dived into the deepest depths to save her, from winning this.

All the students were cheering for their champion, even Draco next to me waved his Krum flag. I really tried to convince him to at least applause for Cedric, but he refused.

Maribel stood with Hermione, Ron, El and Luna next on my other side, waving their flags and banners for Harry and the Hufflepuff boy.

Cedric was talking to his father at his side of the entrance, smiling and probably assuring him that he will do his best to win this tournament. Harry stood with Moody right next to him.

I felt nervous in some way I couldn't wrap my head around. I felt nervous in this strange way, when you just sensed that something was off. But maybe it was just because we again simply had to wait until one of the champions returned in first place.

El was the first to complain about that again. Not just because we, for one more time, had no clue or insight in what's going on in the maze, but because it was pretty late too. My blue-haired friend was already yawning the whole evening and just shot me a dagger like gaze as I joked, that she shouldn't make out with her girlfriend the whole night before such an important day next time.

For my part, I was in a difficult mindset. Firstly, I felt nervous for Harry. Not nervous for his safety, but because I was rooting for him become victorious and win this as the youngest champion in the history of the Triwizard Tournament. On the other side, I wanted to see Cedric win this too. For him and for my sister. Maybe he had a point and after that my parents wouldn't see him just like the mixture of blood like they did now.

"Silence", Dumbledore announced, making every cheering student and the band stop rumbling on. "Earlier today, Professor Moody placed the Triwizard Cup deep within the maze. Only he knows its exact position. Now, as Mr. Diggory and Mr. Potter are tied for first position, they will be the first to enter the maze."

Maribel clapped as soon as Cedric's name fell. His father tried to pinch up his son's arm by the mentioning, but the boy quickly pulled it down again, maybe even a little bit embarrassed by that.

"Followed by Mr. Krum and Miss Delacour. First person to touch the cup will be the winner!"

The cheering started again; everybody was on the edge for whoever they cheered for. Draco to my right was calling out Victors' name and caused me to roll my eyes at the boy.

"I've instructed staff to patrol the perimeter. Should at any point, a contestant wishes to withdrawal from the task, he or she needs only send up red sparks with their wands.", the headmaster announced.

As Dumbledore gathered the champions around in a little circle, Maribel shifted on her feet. El laid her arm around her shoulder, scooping her closer in comfort and relaxed her figure. My eyes were on Harry whose breath was pacing in a way that I could easily notice it from where I stood a few rows ahead. He was panicking.

"I really hope he's staying safe", I whispered worriedly and took a seat as soon as the band started to play again. My friends and Draco followed.

"Of course, he's the best Seeker in the world, he's fast and nimble. He's dodging everything bad coming in his way", Draco said while he crawled around in the pocket of his suit jacket. His hand got a hold on a pack of jelly slugs. The boy picked one and quickly threw it in his mouth before offering me some. "Jelly slug?"

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