#11 Cracking

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Nr. 72: All student organization are henceforth disbanded. Any student in noncompliance will be expelled.

Nr. 73: All students will submit to questioning about suspected illegal activities

„This one will be a real problem", El said as we watched Filch hammering the frame to the collection on the wall over the entrance leading in the Great Hall.

The whole length was plastered with the most pathetic rules this school had ever seen by now. And I couldn't ignore the unease settling down again by the thought that not just a few of them will find their way on my skin in a matter of time.

"At least we have a secure place to train", I added with a shrug and in a quiet voice, but to be honest, I already felt the fear from the questioning bowling in my blood rushing through my body.

Neville managed to find the room of requirements on his way to the library this morning, right before our first DA meeting in the afternoon.

He immediately told Harry about the location, who told the rest of us together with the time for the first training, relieved that we didn't have to sneak everybody out for the trashed pub again under the watching eyes of Umbridge.

„Yeah, well, but it's known for rats to come into the tiniest cracks in the wall", El rolled her eyes annoyed by the thought of the pink demon breathing down especially Harry's neck. And mine for that matter. The professor wandered through the castle all day long, making sure that every student was following her rules. Every time she spotted me somewhere, she lingered just for the chance to give me detention again. My innocent smile in her direction kept her blood rushing in her ears, I simply knew that.

„Miss Fox, Miss Lupin, you have classes to go to I assume?", the professors voice rang out from behind us, making me shiver in an instant before I even turned around. Speaking of the devil.

Her hands were folded in front of her body which was covered in another pink pant suit, her face warped to a pleased smile.

„Yes, professor, we just wanted to make sure to remember the newest rules", I smiled as fake as I could manage and looked amused at the slightly falling corner of her mouth.

„I consider you rather go to your class now, preparing for the O.W.Ls. Since you rather ran around the Hogsmeade grounds as I heard", she tended her head with a plastered compassionate face, but her played sympathy just got me into rage even more.

„I'm sorry, professor, that I didn't spend my days in the library again. I was busy drowning", I said sweet and felt El next to me chuckle in amusement even though she did her hardest to hide it.

„I'm sure that's a catching story to tell, maybe you can catch me up tomorrow. You're the first one to be questioned in my office. Since you're always the first stepping out of line", the professor snickered, before she turned towards my Ravenclaw friend. „And Miss Lupin I consider you're getting to class now too in case you don't want to come to my office again today."

El didn't returned something, her body tensed up a bit as Umbridge turned with one of her significant squeaks, watching us in the corner of her eye walking towards the tower for Divination and Runes.

„What did she mean?", I furrowed my eyebrows as soon as we were around the corner.

„She caught Luna and me yesterday", El slowly breathed out. Her appearance was strangely intimidated, even as if Umbridge managed to keep her small. „Let's say this nightmare seems to have not only a strange point of view about blood status, but she also has a different opinion in what's allowed in love."

My blood froze for a second, as she held out her left hand for me to see, which words were plastered on her skin.

You shall not kiss girls.

𝒯𝒽ℯ 𝒫𝓇ℴ𝓂𝒾𝓈ℯ𝒹 𝒪𝓃ℯ | 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 |Where stories live. Discover now