#23 Victory & Pressure

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Hello my lovelies! Thank you so much for almost 1k, I'm so grateful for every comment, vote and view I get with it. This story is like my little baby and I'm so happy that you seem to like it. Don't forget to comment and share if you like and have fun reading this one. 🖤

The weeks flew by in a blink of an eye and as soon as I looked up from my textbooks and notes it was the week of our exams.

Draco and I met regularly on the astronomy tower again, spending most of the times with watching the stars, studying together, or talking over the most banal things.

We didn't talk about the kiss though, but we didn't act like it didn't happen either. It was just a normal thing, I guess. Once we pulled back, Draco asked me to tell him what he missed in the days we didn't talk, so I told him until we went back to the dungeons.

It happened again. And after that again too. We didn't act different in public, we clearly didn't want anyone to notice something was different. So we acted like we were friends.

But Draco did his best to spend as much time with me he could manage.

He even came with Blaise and me to the library for studying. I couldn't ignore his narrowing eyes on his pale every time he asked me something about Potions. But as soon as I told my friend a few new memory sentences, Draco was soon caught up making fun of them together with his roommate.

He wrote me little notes to slide them into my books to find, on which he asked me to meet on the tower that night or for an evening stroll.

He made sure to reserve me and Maribel seats on the Slytherin row, careful that I ended up on his side. He looked at me in the classes.

I caught him many times, but he didn't bother to look away, he kept staring.

Although, Hermione, Ron, Eland I often met for evening studies. I really loved the fact that Hermione wasa night owl too. It was a good thing having a study buddy who got productive inevenings. We started to question us through our notes about history of magicand Charms in the week before the exams. Ron simply sat beneath us, breathingout once in a while in impression that we almost remembered everything welearned this year. El tried to implicate the important constellations but gotfrustrated quickly as Ron only seemed to remember their names and not theactual meanings of them.

Just in the final week before the exams, I really hated Harry for being excused. Since he was a Hogwarts champion he didn't have to attend the exams on his school year. While I almost forgot about my frustration not being a part of the tournament, I clearly had it in mind as he simply went to bed while Hermione and I remained in the library with seven heavy books in front of us.

Maribel and I spend the days in the courtyard since the weather became warmer in April. We often took a blanket from the dorm with us, laid it on the freshly grass and read until the disappearing sun let the air become fresher again.

I even told her about Draco and me. And I kinda felt like she was excited for me too.

I loved seeing her happy again. Her cheeks rose colored every time she told me about Cedric and her meeting the evening before. One time they almost got caught by McGonagall in a corridor near her office, but they managed to disappear before the professor could give them a lifetime of detention for being out of their common rooms that late at night.

She wasn't around a few times when I woke up from a nightmare, but that was okay for me too. Probably even more than fine, because I could focused on getting my shit back together then calming her down that everything was okay.

When the exam days finally came around, I was exhausted.

My first one was in Defense against the dark arts - mostly the one I was most afraid of. Not because of the subject, but for being alone in the same room as Professor Alastor Moody. As it turned out he questioned me about the three unforgivable curses, why they were called like that and what each one of them did to the opponent. Next, I had to prove my knowledge in Erklings, elfish magical creatures before creating a small steam of water with the aqua eructo charm. I definitely was a lot more worried about this one than I actually had to.

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