#24 The Battle of Fire and Water

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The corridor felt like an endless walk into emptiness. It felt as if I was walking straight to my inner core - frozen and dark, dried out of the thought that I could ever feel happiness again.

Or a small flame lighting me up once more.

Maribel was the light keeping me warm and alive all this years. But Lucius blew it out. Killed it.

Killed her.

Once I saw the end leading up to the main hall of the Ministry, I drew my wand as soon as I got a glimpse of blonde hair on the edge of my vision, pointing it straight at the man walking past the first chimneys.

The fact that he didn't bother to run or hurry to get away, was enough to burn out every lamp inside of me. I was just blanc.

„Crucio!", I said threatening calm and watched in the smallest attempt of pleasure how the wizard came to the ground, squirming on the floor under the curse as I stepped nearer.

His eyes widened as he saw me, just a bit, but enough to sprinkle some oil in the fire of revenge I lit up.

As I stopped, he quickly crouched some inches away, his features showing the pain he was under before, but nothing seemed to satisfy me in any way.

„You will pay for what you did.", I said. But my voice was strangely warped and unrecognizable. „I will not kill you, because I wanna see you suffer under the guilt about what you've done. I want you to live with the knowledge that I will never forget that. That I will find a way to make you pay."

"You could never do that to Draco.", the man said in return, but his voice was small. „He would never forgive you, if you're killing his father."

Lucius was good in hiding his true feelings. Just by the way he swallowed, I knew he was scared how far I would go, but I couldn't see a glimpse of regret.

„You just have to want it, Tiara.", a voice rang out. A hissing tongue right over my shoulder as I breathed heavily without lifting my wand from my target.

„You know the curse."

I knew the curse. Of course, I knew the curse.

The curse he used to kill my sister. The curse which would end his measly life once and for all with a simple flick.

But just then, as I felt the atmosphere change, remembering me of the cold and moist feeling of a vault, I turned to point my wand on the person behind me.

The wizard stroked his hand, sending my wand straight to the floor, before I lifted my gaze on the man, who I never saw before, but recognized immediately.

His face was strangely distorted, his skin pale and hollow, reminding me about a newborn grub. His eyes yellow and shaped in narrow slits simular to a snake. His teeth sharp and he let them show as Voldemort grinned at me.

„I'm disappointed in you, Tiara. He just killed your sister.", his voice rang out once more, letting a shiver crawling down my spine as if the man suck out the whole energy in the room. "It's only fair that he would pay the same debts. She was pure. I liked her, I have to admit. And he is just a failure."

The Dark Lord paced around with long steps, leaving a wave of death as he passed me, looking down on Lucius whose breath was pacing now once my eyes landed back on him.

„Even though he signed his death sentence on his own.", the wizard chuckled. „Maybe the curse would end it too quick, don't you think? I'm sure you want him to suffer the way you are. Letting him survive now, will satisfy this more than a flicker with your wand."

𝒯𝒽ℯ 𝒫𝓇ℴ𝓂𝒾𝓈ℯ𝒹 𝒪𝓃ℯ | 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 |Where stories live. Discover now