#1 Wounds to Heal

263 12 36

278 days before

"Dobby really thinks that Miss Fox should eat something."

The round and big eyes of the house elf were compassionate on me, his hands fumbling in front of his chest as he watched me just sitting on the windowsill, looking at the streets of London detected, the rain which didn't seem to stop all day long pattering down on the plaster.

„I'm not hungry, Dobby.", I mumbled with my head still leaning against the wall behind me, my arms hugging the legs I pulled to my chest.

„But it's Miss Fox favorite. Dobby had worked for Hogwarts kitchen. Dobby knows how he makes a pumpkin pie. And Mr. Sirius won't be pleased when he returns and sees that Dobby didn't get Miss Fox to eat something."

Dobby quickly jumped on the desk next to my position and slowly did a few steps to sit himself opposite me.

The house elf became a friend for the past two weeks I spent with Sirius. I knew that he wasn't committed to neither Harry, nor his godfather, but he stayed every day since Snape brought me there.

As soon as I was out the back door that evening, I heard a terrible explosion from inside. If it weren't for Snape's arms pulling me back into the hiding of the trees surrounding our estate, I would've straight walked back in.

Although he fought against my raging figure, he had the fear and worry on his face too, as I threatened to sunk to my knees and watched the flames eating themselves through the whole length of our Mansion. The area where the living room was, was already burnt down to the grounds. By the pressure of the heat, the windows exploded out of their frames. The beautiful white facade slowly became black by the ash.

I fought back against Snape's grip up to the point where I simply cut loose and sunk to the grounds. Before I could resist, the man took my arm and disapparated to the porch of the Black estate.

Sirius seemed to already know, because he immediately opened the door for us to enter.

I believed they talked about what just happened, but I wasn't listening. I simply sat myself down against the wall right next to the entrance and cried.

And I didn't stop until Sirius sat down next to me, his head resting on the wall. Other than most of the people I knew, he recognized when he shouldn't say something, but simply spend some company. Sirius was someone who sensed what somebody needed.

We waited together for Snape's returning. It seemed like he had promised to come back after he was looking for my mother. So after almost half an hour, he came back and announced that my mother was okay, but in St Mungos to take care of her burnings, which seemed to be pretty bad.

But my mind was too empty and too full at the same time for the relief to sink in fully, that she was alive.

„Just a small piece, okay? And just because I don't want you to get in trouble.", I sadly smiled at the creature and watched amused as his eyes filled with joy before he skipped out of my room. It was the same one in which I stayed last summer, before Harry and I returned to Hogwarts.

Mother was right, he stayed with the Weasley's because of the preparations for their big task with finding the Horcruxes. And because there was a wedding ahead for the family in the next days.

It was pathetic to think about, that they will celebrate the love between Ron's brother Bill and his soon to be wife Fleur, which I knew from the Triwizard Tournament, when they attended my funeral right that second.

It was a pathetic thought that they attended my funeral. That they believed I died in the all shuttering fire at our estate.

With the silence of the room and the pattering sound of the rain against the window, I reached for the Daily Prophet again. The picture of our burning Mansion on there. It was the edition of the day after the fire, I kept it to remember.

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