#6 The Champions Selection

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I arrived at the same crowded hall the day afterwards. But this time everyone was gathered to watch the three champions being picked. I walked in with my sister in the tow, nervously looking for Cedric, while I was looking for the bundle of sarcastic people sitting in the side row along with two students, I was graving to finally getting a word with.

So, as soon as Maribel excused herself jumping right to where her dark-haired boyfriend sat, along with his friends on the edge of excitement, I sat down next to El and Hermione, who placed themselves in front of the Gryffindor boys.

"Harry, Ron, good to see you finally", I smiled at the boys sitting on the row over ours.

"The Merlin descendant appears. Good to see you too, blondie", Ron grinned as he ruffled through my hair. Harry smiled at me in the same way, the boy seemed relaxed, much more than last year.

It was hard to handle for the young Gryffindor. I wasn't involved in the activities of the golden trio fully, but as soon as El caught me up with the fact that the so-called murderer Sirius Black was in fact the best friend of her father, Harrys' godfather and innocent for that matter, I could barely imagine what he must felt. Growing up in a nightmare muggle household before it turned out, that his only remaining family was a man who was falsely accused for not only betraying his parents, but also actually killing people, must be the worst.

So, it was nice to see him happy again, especially since Sirius was in underground and as safe as he could be in this situation.

"You're still annoyed that you couldn't enter the selection?", El asked amused once she saw me eying the goblet again, as all the students slowly came to their seats around the blue flame.

"Well, I'm pissed, but after seeing my schedule for this year I'm kinda okay with that", I answered as I let my gaze wander around the hall.

"Well, I'm running on the edge of my nerves right now and there isn't even someone who entered that I'm worried about. This shit's crazy heart racking", the blue-haired admitted as she shook her hands, probably keeping them from sweating.

My eyes diverted to the Hufflepuff table where Maribel sat next to Cedric, smiling, but I could see her concern spread on every inch of her features. Maybe she's right and it's a good thing she didn't have to worry about not only her boyfriend but me too.

A white-blonde head came around right behind my sisters' position, catching my gaze for a breath moment.

Draco stated himself right next to an awkward clinging Pansy and Blaise on the other side. After he shook off the unpleasant appendage, the boy seemed to get deep in conversation with his classmate who quickly shot me a look. But I wasn't going to wonder why, even though I was curious if they were talking about me or the evening we spent in the common room.

"Now the moment you've all been waiting for: The champions selection", Dumbledore announced to settle the noisy students down. His hand reached forward, dimming the lights of the torches down to create the right atmosphere.

"Oh god, here we go", Hermione whispered excitedly. Everyone watched as the man caressed the goblet, standing back until the blue flame turned reddish, hissing and flickering until the first parchment piece was spat out.

"And the Durmstrang champion is: Victor Krum!", Dumbledore announced, and the hall raised into cheers.

Hermione clapped a bit louder than the rest of our group, which Ron clearly seemed to notice by the strange look he shot over to the dark-haired Gryffindor.

Viktor stood up and made eye contact with my friend which also encouraged the ginger head more. The Durmstrang proudly made his way over towards the headmaster, who shook his hand and diverted the boy to go down some stairs where the champions should team up.

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