#20 Born of the Weasley's Legacy

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Dear Tiara,
I hope you settled well into Hogwarts again after your Christmas break.
Your mother and I wanted to inform you, that there will be a banquet to attempt in summer holiday. We wanted to tell you this, because the accusation is mostly dedicated to you and Theodore Nott.
I'm aware that you're already know him, so you have the great ability to get to know him even better before you're returning home.
You two are getting promised, I hope you're accepting the offer and the opportunity to settle your place in the rows of wealthy and knowing wizarding families in the future. The Notts are respected and with deep ties into the Ministry like we have. And I'm sure he will treat you like a smart and beautiful witch. The way you should be treated.
Your mother is already driving me crazy about the dress you should wear, maybe you can write her what color you want.
We're proud of you and looking forward to see you again.
I love you,

The library was the best way to keep myself from trouble and uncomfortable conversations.

Since I knew that Umbridge let all letters leaving and entering the castle check, I didn't bother to write my parents about the detention. I was surprised that she let that one through, which Pippin delivered me while I was reading through my Potions notes. But after I read it, I knew that she was probably smiling about the fact that I had my fate settled.

Okay, I had to admit that it could be worse. Theodore after all was showing his best behavior towards me since the Christmas banquet, but getting promised will never feel like no big deal. Never.

I tried to not spend to many thoughts on that. So that I could just study to prepare myself for the OWL's and the end of term, since that was the first time I was looking forward to leave Hogwarts, or at least what was left of the version I loved.

And if I wasn't learning and had my eyes clued to my books and notes, I was thinking about times everything was still okay and in order in its most displaced way at the beginning of the term:

"Astrology is the best way to connect with something bigger than yourself. Stars are telling us stories we need to listen to if we wanna understand the deep meaning of the universe.", Professor Sinistra smiled at us and turned towards the big spectator glass which was towering over her. She had darkened the room, illuminated the night sky over our heads since it was too cloudy to look at them at the tower.

Her beautiful charm was enough to make me relax, even though Umbridge's first detention in her office was still showing its face on my inner eye and burned with the freshly bruises on my left hand.

"You're okay?", Draco asked in a whispery voice as the professor was rumbling on about  Aquarius and his life as the cupbearer of the gods.

"It's just aching, all good.", I answered and quickly smiled at him as he still had his eyebrows furrowed.

But I soon diverted my eyes back to the front, too afraid that I would get lost in him again, thinking about the night we spend under the same clear night sky when we first kissed.

"You would never see him in the city or a lightened place, it's the total darkness which is needed to get a glimpse of the man with eternal youth.", the woman grinned and moved around as she flicked her wand to let us see the sky moving, the planets dancing around us in a peaceful dance of the giants.

"Pathetic isn't it?", Draco whispered. "How small we are in compare with everything around us. How little our problems seem against the danger of a nova."

"Maybe that's the point.", I whispered back without lifting my eyes of Saturn as the big ball paced right above my head. "Realizing that there's so much more than our own tragedy."

𝒯𝒽ℯ 𝒫𝓇ℴ𝓂𝒾𝓈ℯ𝒹 𝒪𝓃ℯ | 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 |Where stories live. Discover now