#17 Implosions

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I dashed down the corridor, already running late for the DA meeting - the first one after Christmas break.

Harry wrote me a letter last week, telling me that I should come to that one, because he would teach us how to produce the patronus charm.

The group of Gryffindors were extremely grateful that I held Draco away from the fourth floor, that's what they told me almost ten times before the holidays. Saying that I would ever be in their guilt for taking the risk for the team.

I felt terrible.

For lying to Draco and Maribel at the same time, even though I did that to learn how to protect the important people in my life. That I tricked the boy into leaving his post, even though I knew we would both be in big trouble when Umbridge would've found out.

"Tiara, where are you going?", Maribel called me out as I walked past the entrance towards the west wing of the castle. She approached me quickly after, in her hands her books pressed against her chest. "The Inquisitorial squad is meeting in 5, Umbridge called us in this morning."

"I know, I received her note. But I already have to meet with Firenze. He's trying to help me with my dreams.", I tried to say convincing and crossed my arms in front of my robes. "Could you excuse me? That's really important."

"Sure.", Maribel's eyes were narrowed and before I could think about the fact that she probably didn't believe me, I turned on my heels and headed towards the corridor thankfully leading not only to the room of requirement, but also to the Divination tower. Back up for my story I grateful took.

Once I entered the room, the area was already busting with the remaining members of the army. All a bit tense by the straggler shooting through the door, but they soon relaxed as they saw my blonde curled head rushing in.

"Merlin, Tiara, you scared the shit out of me.", El clapped my shoulder before she laid her arm around it and turned again to Harry in front, who nodded at me smiling.

"The Patronus Charm is one of the most difficult spells on earth. It's so complicate, because you need a strong, happy memory to incarnate it.", the dark-haired boy started and lead us into the lesson.

Everyone spread out to find a place to train once Harry explained the necessary steps. I stationed myself next to Hermione in the proximity of El and Luna near the entrance.

The blonde Ravenclaw smiled at her girlfriend, before she laid her focus on the air in front of her, lifted her wand and cast the spell. Out of the tip came a beautiful, ice-blue light in the shade of a nimble rabbit, hopping through the air in front of our noses.

"Excellent, Luna!", Harry called out in praise right as El jumped in the blonde's arms, causing her to stumble a bit, loosing focus and let the lighted rabbit disappear again.

I smiled at them and couldn't keep my mind from traveling to Draco, to the face he would made creating this beautiful charm. My fingers traced over the necklace once, stroking the stone with my thoughts on the note he wrote me with it.

But once Hermione's wand exploded into a cute, playful otter and El followed with a beautiful wolf, I tried to focus on my thoughts. Sorting out what my happiest memory was.

Harry stationed himself next to the wall a few steps ahead, watching me.

I let my mind wander to a day Maribel, mother, father and I went to Diagon Alley, shopping for our school supplies after we received our letters. We were allowed to choose our animals to bring with. As soon as I stepped a foot into The Owl shop and saw Pippin sitting in his cage, looking at me with his big brown eyes, I fell unconditionally in love. After father bought him, we went for ice creme until the sun went down. This day always stayed in my thoughts as one of the happiest days in my life. For all the laughers and luck I had.

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