#18 The Balcony Scene

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Trigger Warning: this chapter includes sexual content, strong language and mature content!

51 days before

I visited El and Luna at the dungeons whenever I had the chance. Draco was right, it wasn't easy finding a way to get them out of there. But being Merlin's heir and in the Dark Lord's trust as his right hand, at least enough to be convincing, had its advantages. After I visited them down in the dungeons and found a crying bundle of mess, I knew I had to do something. El told me, that there was a former ministry employee for a few days, someone who was in the same department as Kingsley. The Dark Lord wanted to get informations out of him about the whereabouts of the member of the order, since he believed that Harry might got cover at one of them, but the man remained steadfast. And was killed in front of my best friends eyes, while she was there too, an informer about her father's whereabouts.

And that was, what finally cracked her. She blacked out.

Whenever I felt the dark mark moving on my arm, I panicked. Because that meant, that the Lord was nearby again, once more asking for my company at meetings with the inner circle, or private meetings alone in one of the offices with my heartbeat thundering in my chest and his interrogation about Harry's activities. I managed to tell that I hadn't seen him for months, but I wasn't sure if I was convincing enough. His lips twitched every time I told him, his eyes became slits for a split second in which I sensed that he knew I was lying. His snake eyes darted into me, like he was able to read my soul, even though he didn't, it just felt like it. He weighted up if he was ready to trust me with my words, while I pleaded to Merlin that he did. He wasn't trusting me, not nearly, because he knew I wouldn't be straight open for this after I so desperately fought against it. But he seemed convinced, that he was on a good way, to get to me. And I played my role.

After he tortured Ollivander enough to get the information, that his wand will not be able to kill Harry, because the wands shared the same core and after the old man assured, that the elder wand was buried with Dumbledore, he luckily didn't show up again since a few days.

Lucius tried to ditch my company since the banquet and the ceremony we had as best as he could. Whenever he couldn't though, like when the family gathered for dinner in the evening, he seemed uncomfortable for my pleasure. But he surprisingly wasn't snoopy anymore in front of me, maybe even appropriately polite.

My mother was in the ministry all day since she got my father's position in the department. And since the banquet I had the respect from the remaining figures to get access visiting El and Luna every day and providing them food and blankets to get more comfortable. Get them out of there was something I worked on, the only reason I was still here and not already back finding the others and on a run which would cost me every energy I had left.

That day the door to Draco's room got unlocked, revealing the blond boy just dressed in a towel, the skin still wet a bit from the shower he just had. His hand came up to ruffle through his strains, before he looked at me resting on his bed with a book in my lap. I had lifted my gaze with my quill traveling over my bitted lip, but the faster I tried to look away, the faster he caught me staring.

"There's nothing you haven't seen before.", he grinned and let himself fall on the bedding. The towel slipped down a bit, exposing his bare hips.

"That doesn't mean I will get tired of looking.", I raised my eyebrows. He huffed amused and looked down on the book in my lap.

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