#16 The Poisoned Licorice and Cherry Met

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My lungs were burning as I ran through the corridors, not carrying as I crashed into some students and sent their books down to the floor. On my heels were El and Hermione, trying to follow me through the bustling castle at the early Tuesday morning.

It was two weeks into the term again, everyone returned from the holidays with another bunch of gazes in my direction since the article about my father.

Draco made himself scarce again, but he didn't try to keep me to stay away. When I was still in the common room after he went back into the dungeons from where ever he was sneaking of to at night, he didn't go straight to the boy's room. He's coming over, he simply sat down and pulled my legs up on his, clenched on me tight for a steady mind.

But my curiousness about where he was heading to wasn't breastfed. It was more starving now that we came that close. I wanted him to be okay.

El, Hermione and I pushed through the doors into the hospital wing with quick steps up to the bed where Harry was resting on the edge.

„What the hell happened?", El breathed out and sat down on the seat next to Ron's bed, leaning forward to look at the ginger.

Hermione was quick to take a place on the edge right as Harry stood up to pace over.

Once I stood on the end of the bed, looking down on the boy, I would probably just thought he was peacefully asleep if it wasn't for Harry summing us up asap.

„He was poisoned.", Harry breathed out and rubbed the bridge of his nose with squeezed eyes. He probably didn't sleep all night, maybe even making sure Ron was still breathing.

„Oh god.", Hermione breathed and grabbed the ginger's hand. Her doe eyes compassionate and worried, while she watched Madam Pomfrey checking Ron's temperature.

„How?", I asked silently. I knew about the healers ability, so I was sure he was getting back on his feet again, but the thought he could've gotten killed scared me.

„He drank something in Slughorn's office after a little love potion accident the professor helped us with."

„Love Potion?", El raised her eyebrows while my friend tried to suppress her amusement.

„Romilda Vane, am I right?", Hermione rolled her eyes without really lifting her gaze from Ron.

„Damn straight. Probably tried to get to me."

„Did I miss something? Isn't Ginny up to date anymore?", I raised my eyebrows amused before Harry quickly skipped over to stand right next to me with wide eyes.

„What the hell, where was I in the last weeks, that I didn't notice.", El laughed and crossed her arms in the attempt to watch a great show as she watched the Gryffindor's features drifting aware in fright.

„Would you shut up?", Harry hissed in my ear.

„Relax, he's sleeping.", but I smiled at him apologizing before I turned to El. „And you were smooching your girlfriend."

„True.", El shrugged.

„But why does Slughorn has a bottle with poison? He had to get this in some way.", Hermione turned, but still stroked over the Weasley's hand.

„I don't know, but I see some similarities to the necklace Katie had."

At Harry's words echoed through my ears, I tried my hardest to not tense up. My thoughts traveled to Draco and the bad feeling I had that he somehow was responsible for what happened to the girl. Now that one of my friends was included, the panic increased itself to the maximum.

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