#17 A Tell of Memory

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The room was narrowing dark. Not because it was night, but out of the simply fact that every place on which Voldemort was, seemed to never be able to create light again.

My mother sat on a big table in a familiar hall. It was the same room, the same table I witnessed Draco and Maribel signing their contract in Malfoy Manor. The still dark interior, the dark wood, the stone floor. But other then the night I spent there, it wasn't welcoming or inviting.

Next to her was a man I wasn't recognizing. He was small, his hair frizzy and tingled in every direction. His face almost similar to a mouse. And his eyes fearful pinned on the table.

Opposite of her a face, I did remember.

Her eyes were almost as secretly frightened as my mother's, but she wasn't meeting her gaze. They were pinned on the wooden surface of the table too. She tried her hardest to not show any weakness, be strong on the place of her husband, who was in Azkaban because he killed my sister.

Just like my mother tried to be.

„It's nice of you that you joined us, Mathilda.", the sluggish voice still haunting my nightmares hissed from the head place of the table. „I wasn't sure if you would."

„Of course." The voice of my mother was so intimidated and quiet, that I almost needed to do a step forward and station myself right behind her to understand what she tried to say. But I remained.

I knew that they couldn't see me, but I felt safer in the shadow. Even though my knees were threatened to give in with the simply view on the scene. I wasn't there, I wasn't psychically near the Dark Lord, but the feeling of death and intimidation was overwhelming.

„My Lord.", another unfamiliar voice rung out right as the first silent tear was threatening to slip over my mother's edge. „We're aware that Potter will be at the Weasley estate for Christmas. Probably along with the rest of the Order."

„I know.", the Dark Lord didn't bother to turn around, he instead let his hand glide over the giant snake, which meandered up on his lap to rest the big head on him. „We will go at Christmas Eve, maybe we can lure him out. Otherwise I assume we would be more successful if we would place Lucius in front of the entrance to face our pressures Tiara. This time she wouldn't hesitate, I assume."

The laugher, which rung through the hall, was loud enough to overplay the whimpering sound leaving my mothers throat. Narcissa quickly diverted her eyes up to face her, just for a blink, but she let them fall again.

It was painful to see how guilty she felt.

„Is Tiara staying at home for Christmas, Mathilda?", the dark wizard said demanding, leaning himself a bit over the surface.

Seeing her sitting there, just a few seats away from him, was torturing. Especially since I knew that she was in this alone - out of whatever reason. I knew her too well to not realize that she wasn't there voluntarily. Particularly out of her own accord. Probably just because she had to take the seat for father, just like Narcissa did for Lucius.

„I assume.", she managed to say without loosing her face. I had a bad feeling that all the lessons she taught us over the years about the right appearance had this back thought too. To be ready in situations like that. To keep the face when it's necessary.

„Very well, especially since her father will be home again. The questions burning in her mind, eating her away at night, are a good reason to go home and ask him.", Voldemort chuckled. „Then I'm sure she will be delighted if you're bringing her with you. It is of great importance to have her on our side. She's Harry Potter's friend, she's close. It won't be easy after what happened to her sister, but I'm sure I'm able to bring her some convincing reasons."

𝒯𝒽ℯ 𝒫𝓇ℴ𝓂𝒾𝓈ℯ𝒹 𝒪𝓃ℯ | 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 |Where stories live. Discover now