#23 Magic Words

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Trigger Warning: this chapter includes sexual content, strong language and mature content!

„Hey, I thought you would join the party on the quidditch pitch?", Draco smiled softly as soon as I opened the door to our dorm.

After El and Hermione caught me up with everything they found out, I immediately headed to our room, glad that I was alone, before I simply laid down in Maribel's bed and cried.

And I didn't stop until I cried out all the tears I had to offer. Tears of pity for myself with my fate, tears of anger that my mother or father didn't tell me, tears of pure fear what this meant.

„I should rest, remember?", I smiled in the best attempt and stepped to the side to let the blonde boy come in.

„Well, me too.", he huffed amused and let himself fall on my bed with his arms crossed behind his head. He rested against the pillow I had stationed myself against as soon as I put myself together along with my favorite book to ease my mind.

Draco took it in his hands, opened a page with a note piece and started smirking down on it.

„And he's mine?", he asked curious, furrowing his eyebrows before he turned the book for me to see what he meant.

I recognized the page immediately, it were Elisabeth's thoughts about Darcy.

„Could you not? That's private!", I called out and leaned forward to get a hold on the book, but the nearer I came the more Draco put his arm back and higher to get out of my reach.

„I don't care, that's almost like reading your diary.", he chuckled, but pulled it down once he realized that I scrunched my nose with the stretching movement of my side.

It wasn't painful anymore, thanked to the sage Madam Pomfrey gave me, but it was uncomfortable.

„Does it hurt?", Draco asked softly and let his hand come around my waist after he let the book fall to his side. He diverted me down on the mattress, but wasn't removing his hands from my body. His fingers traced over the edge of the sweater, lifting one side to look on the injury. It already started to fade, the edges in a soft rose color and the stitches not as dark as they were earlier that day.

„Not much anymore.", I assured, ignoring the shiver crawling down my back as his cold fingertips touched my skin.

„If he wouldn't be your friend, I would've killed him for that.", Draco breathed out between gritted teeth, the rage mirroring in his features. Definitely something he meant as he said.

I let my hand came up to his face, cupped his cheek in it to divert his eyes on me.

"I'm good.", I said as convincing as I could manage. Tried to defy the urge to turn away as Draco looked at me, because if he would ask me what's wrong, I would immediately crack under my knowledge.

Draco breathed out and let his hand come around my waist a little bit stronger, pulling me softly towards him.

The exhale he did was relieving as if I was his light in the dark.

„What do you do to me.", he chuckled and laid his other one around the back of my neck. „No matter what and despite every reason I should stay away from you, I can't."

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