#8 Dumbledore's Army

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"Let me get that straight", I breathed out amused as our group came to a hold in front on an old looking hut. Hermione made sure that we were out of ear reach for anyone around us before she enlightened me in the details of their intention.

"You guys wanna introduce a defense club with Harry as our teacher to help Dumbledore in the fight against You-Know-Who?", I summed up her bumbling of the last ten minutes and pointed at the building in front us. "Here?"

„You're in?", Ron nudged my shoulder with a smirk right as Hermione pushed the door open and entered.

„Totally", I smirked back. „If I just simply read about defensive spells, I'm going crazy anyway."

The run-up pub was in an awful state, not gonna lie, but Hermione had a point with the safety part. No one ever would suspect something happening in here. We made our way up the stairs on the second floor without another word. Harry seemed nervous as we came to a hold in front of a bunch of students I recognized from around the castle.

Fred, George, and Ginny Weasley sat in the row near the window, Luna skipped over to sit down on the side to Cho Chang and Neville Longbottom. El was quick to follow and signalized me to sit down next to her.

Around us were Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnigan, and a handful of other students out of the Gryffindor house.

I couldn't ignore that I was the only Slytherin student - which wasn't surprising.

„Hey", Hermione nervously said once Ron, Harry and the girl sat down in front of everyone. „So, you all know why we're here. We need a teacher, a proper teacher."

Hermiones' voice was shaky and unsure, but even then, I could easily made out the disgust she felt for Umbridge too.

„One who had experience defending themselves against the dark arts."

„Why?", someone asked from the back of the room.

„Why?", Ron quickly mocked. „Because You-Know-Who's back, you tosspot."

"Yes, that's what he says."

"That's what Dumbledore says", Hermione added with raised eyebrows.

"But Dumbledore says that because Harry did", the boy returned. "The question is, who's telling the truth?"

"Yeah and he said, that the other one said something different, but she said it too and shut your mouth, all of you.", I rolled my eyes and swung my leg forward to kick the boy slightly in his heel, silencing him up. Ron noticed and shot me an amused and thankful smile.

"If Potter could tell us more about how Diggory got killed", a Hufflepuff student I never saw before said into the quietness, which built itself up over the room.

And with his voice, rose my anger again too.

"If you're here, only to find out more about how Cedric died, I suggest you leave", I called out and leaned myself forward on my seat, to face the students, who now were concentrated on me. I crossed my arms as I laid my focus on the pair of eyes surrounding me. "There is a big problem ahead of us which we actually should talk about. They didn't sum you up for asking uncomfortable questions or mocking on Harry."

Nobody said something, nobody dared. It was just Harry who shifted in his seat and smiled at me thankfully.

"Is it true that you can produce a Patronus Charm?", Luna asked before someone could decide to leave or say something stupid again. Her question caught my attention though. Everyone knew that the Patronus was one of the most difficult spells in the wizarding world. And I didn't know until now, that Harry was able to manifest one.

𝒯𝒽ℯ 𝒫𝓇ℴ𝓂𝒾𝓈ℯ𝒹 𝒪𝓃ℯ | 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 |Where stories live. Discover now