#10 An Upcoming Storm

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I felt a storm coming my way.

With the dark grey clouds hanging thickly over Hogwarts, this day should be the calm before the storm.

And the first quidditch match was a real tornado for my nerves.

On first hand, I was cheering for my own house, for Theodore and especially Blaise, who made the team this year. On the other hand, I hoped for Ronald to have at least a good game, mainly because of the mockery from Crabbe and Goyle on the breakfast table.

Pansy was fire and flames next to me, cheering whenever Theodore had the quaffle, jumping up and down, hugging Daphne every time our team scored - which wasn't often.

Ron was actually pretty good, which could be caused by the liquid luck Harry purred in his pumpkin juice this morning. That's at least what Hermione told me, completely out of her mind, as we made our way down to the quidditch pitch.

She guided me all the way down and up to the Slytherin stands, before she headed to her own opposite the pitch. Hermione tried to hide the real reason, but her undetected questions about how I was feeling showed me, that she was just worried, because of my sudden exit the evening before.

Gryffindor won the game.

Blaise and Theodore rumbled on about how this wasn't possible, that Ron had been cheating, because there was no way he could've stopped Blaise last try. They did all the way back to the dungeons.

I didn't say something, not about the liquid luck, not about anything else. I just walked with them in silence and held my eyes open for Draco around the stands.

But he didn't show up. Not even for the quidditch games anymore.

After we strolled to the common room, I excused myself from the others to write to my mother in the dorm. Just a much needed life sign after I avoided her most of the time.

Harry and Hermione invited me to the afterparty in their common room, but I declined.

After I brought the letter to Pippin in the Owlery, I went to the library and tried to study, but I couldn't.

My head was empty and when it wasn't empty, I thought about Draco's behavior, about Blaise's behavior and then about Draco's absence again.

So I left shortly after.

As I walked around the corner towards the Gryffindor common room to stop by, at least for a few minutes to ease my mind, I crushed into two giggling people on the staircase.

One of them with a kinda embarrassed smile, on the other almost anger that I crashed, even though I was the one almost falling on the steps.

„Tiara!", Ron smiled surprised as he disconnected his lips from the too enthusiastic, too giggling girl I recognized from Potion class. Lavender Brown.

„Watch your steps, Fox!", the girl instead hissed at me, her eyes narrowing and the lips, on which her light pink lipstick was running over the edges, curled into a look of disgust.

She was one of the students shooting me their looks since I returned to Hogwarts at the beginning of the year.

„What did you just say?", I crossed my arms and looked down at her. In no version of the universe would I let her talk to me like that.

"Let's just go.", Ron tried to drag her away in the attempt to stop her from starting a fight this witch could never win. To her advantage, he knew that as well as I did.

"First Granger and now she, your friends don't like me.", I heard her bubbling on after the two Gryffindors vanished around the corner.

This girl was annoying. Annoying in a way and with my current mind set, dropping into my full barrel, which was threatened to spill over.

𝒯𝒽ℯ 𝒫𝓇ℴ𝓂𝒾𝓈ℯ𝒹 𝒪𝓃ℯ | 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 |Where stories live. Discover now