#5 The Scent of Love

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Other then Snape, Slughorn put a big effort in preparing his classes.

As Hermione and I walked through the doors, the man rambled on to prepare some still bubbling kettles with potions on a table up front. Once he looked up, he smiled and quickly ordered us to take a seat.

"So, Dumbledore wants you to meet Professor Snape for help?", Hermione quirked an eyebrow, but remained since she was about to head towards a table of Gryffindors.

"Believe me, I'm not eager about letting him into my mind for training, being his favorite or not.", I huffed and leaned forward to rest my head in my hands, right as Blaise and Draco entered the room.

My view immediately plastered itself on his tired eyes. The dark circles contrasting his pale skin, let me imagine the long night he had, maybe he didn't sleep at all. His blonde hair was pushed to the side. His features were tense, startled, unsettled as if he was on guard.

They only softened a bit as he laid them on me. Promptly my breath hitched at the ability of driving me towards him like a siren. Maybe he would pulled me down into depths when I'd come too close, maybe he was right and we would both be the death of us.

"Earth on Tiara.", Hermione's hand reached forward to wave in front of my eyes, snapping me back with blushed cheeks that she caught me staring. "Did you hear me?"

"Sorry.", I chuckled. "What did you say?"

"I said that Snape helped Harry last year, too. With Legilimancy. I think his teaching is the best way to keep your mind shut from You-Know-Who. Besides, don't worry. All Snape could see is probably Draco stroking through his hair and smirking down on you, so he will quickly leave your head, before he could see something seriously embarrassing.", Hermione suppressed a smirk. "Even though your point of view towards Malfoy is the most embarrassing thing for him to see. Well, expect kissing him, seeing that would be worse. Then I would honestly fear he will throw up on your shoes."

"What - no, that's -", I stumbled, but stopped at Hermione's widened eyes.

"Wait you two did kiss again?", she breathed out and put her hand up against her mouth.

"Shut up, Hermione! And keep your voice down!", I hissed as Blaise, Pansy and the blonde paced over.

"Granger, long time not see.", Blaise snickered as he laid down his books next to me, smiling at the dark-haired, who was effortlessly ignoring Draco taking place across the table, Pansy following up next to him. He laid his book down without lifting his gaze. And much more unlike him - without a mean comment in my friends direction.

"If you'd be so kind as to gather around the front, please?", Professor Slughorn called out, pulling my attention back from Draco's miserable features. We stood up and formed a line in front of the table the man prepared.

"Attention to detail in the preparation is the prerequisite of all planning.", Slughorn started, right as the door to the classroom swung open once more. Two familiar faces came in, making the blonde boy next to me huff in annoyance.

"Harry, my boy! I was being worried. We've brought someone with us I see?", the professor greeted the dark-haired, who politely smiled under his fast breath.

"Ron Weasley, sir. But I'm dead awful at potions, a menace, actually. I'm just going to go.", the ginger rumbled on, but as he was about to turn around and leave through the entrance again, Harry held him back by his robes.

"Unbelievable.", Draco rolled his eyes annoyed next to me, his body tensing up.

Harry and Ron went towards the closet for grabbing their books, as the professor continued.

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