#13 Sacrificial Lamb in Disguise

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For (sexual) abuse! If you're feeling triggered by that, please don't read that chapter up to the line.

I felt like walking to the hangman, ready to accept the fact that I would die, because every other option wasn't something I considered. I knew where we were heading as soon as we apparated in front of a tree line, a smooth cut border to shield the estate from the outside world. I used to love the archway to the entrance, I admired it on my first visit, but just now I felt like the hedges were closing in on me.

The clouds which were still hanging grey above us, were filled to the brim with unfallen flakes, almost pathetically suiting the mood I was in.

I need to suppress the ironic laugh as we stopped at the big, black gateway with the simply fact, that the last time I passed it, I was truly one of the guests of honor. Greeted with open arms on the side of my sister, the future Mrs. Malfoy. But now my stomach did a drop with the realization that I was here now, at Malfoy Manor, surrounded by all the people who should think I was dead and without my wand to defend myself.

Scabior pushed me up to the gate as four people emerged from the other side. He pulled my arms behind my back a bit higher, making me flinch as I felt the cold metal on my face once he leaned me against it, clearer for the others to see.

"She claims to be Pansy Parkinson, but we found her with Polyjuice Potion in Brighton.", the wizard said, while a dark figure approached the gate. Her eyes so painfully pierced in mine, that I needed every energy I had left to not crumble. My whole body was trembling with the events rolling over.

"Pansy Parkinson.", Bellatrix laughed out and did a step to be face to face with me, intimidatingly piercing me down with her bare expressions. „We will see about that. Draco should tell, she should be a classmate."

Once his name dropped, I fell into pieces. He was here, of course he was here. And I would see him again with the time ticking against me and in the benefit of the undeniable.

„Get her in.", Bellatrix snickered and looked directly into my eyes. And for a short moment, I thought she recognized me. „She got something to hide. Maybe she's important."

Next she ordered the wizards to open the gate. Scabior's wand stabbing in my back painfully as we crossed the entrance and came to the hall - familiar, but not at all inviting like the last time I was there.

As soon as we climbed the few steps into the hall, the death eater shoved me to the floor in front of him. The side of my head hit the tiles in a painful way, the blizzard radiated through my whole body as I was on the edge of unconsciousness.

„I'm not done with the man downstairs, keep her tied up until the potion wears off. Then we will see who's hiding under that pretty head.", the dark witch grinned and let her wand dance in front of her as she walked past the big staircase down a corridor, probably leading to the dungeons.

Once she left and I was alone with Scabior and his two baboons staying behind, I felt numb.

„You know, beautiful.", the man chuckled from above me as he grabbed down and lifted me back on my feet. They would give in, if I wouldn't be held by Scabior right before he pushed me against one of big pillar surrounding the hall. „Maybe you shouldn't have lied to me. Maybe I would've let you go afterwards."

His wand was still pointing against my throat, painfully poking it. Any attempt to swallow was hurting, but my eyes never left his as he stepped nearer. The warmth of his body was like a purgatory, his touch as his other hand came around my waist like clenching on shards. His mouth started to travel along my jawline, elicited a whimper from my lips as I felt his warm breath against my skin, before he sucked down on the stop unter my ear. My eyes were traveling to the two man behind him, their features amused, so I couldn't expect help from them.

𝒯𝒽ℯ 𝒫𝓇ℴ𝓂𝒾𝓈ℯ𝒹 𝒪𝓃ℯ | 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 |Where stories live. Discover now