A coming of something...something...something...

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The sun began to rise on a new morning for the Prideland, sitting at the peak of Pride Rock, a lion with red flowing mane looking out onto his kingdom.

After their ordeal with the Outlands; Kama, he recalled the moment they were saved by the son he believed long ago to had completed his role in the Circle of Life, being together with both his parents in the great beyond.

Kion, or rather Tau he apparently goes by now, Simba could not help but feel a sense of pride in his boy. Not only having survived but having been protecting the Pridelands without their know-how.

That moment was soon abrupted by a brushing of another, "What has you so distracted this morning?" finding his mate, Nala.

"Just thinking about Kion and everything that happened," giving an exhausting sigh as he resumed his embracing of the morning sun, "how things might not be so straight forward anymore."

Nala gave a hardy chuckle at that, "When had anything ever been 'straight forward'?" she gave a sly smirk, challenging him to try and best her.

Simba had simply remained silence, knowing she was trying to bait him so she could give a quick retort. Instead, he remained focused on the sunrise, enjoying the wonderful moment between the two.

I'm only glad it's finally over. {Oh, shouldn't had thought that Simba. >:)}

** Outlands **

"Come back here!" A voice shouted, chasing after a fleeing cloud of dust. Coming around the corner, a golden lion with a scar gave a leap towards the dust only to come slamming into the ground with a thud.

Uhhhhggggg, "Why can't these Pridelanders just stay in the Pridelands?" he spoke with annoyance, trying again to catch the speedy creature.

Tau had came to term that he is in fact a Pridelander, as well the Prince of the Pridelands. But that still meant little to him as he felt more at home in the Outlands as an Outlander. He had worked to overcome his prejudice against them, but it still annoyed him whenever they would come into the Outlands and refuse to leave without making things difficult.

"Don't go that way, the Pridelands are south!" Tau shouted at the cloud of dust that remained a good distance away.

"STAY AWAY! LEAVE ME ALONE!" a scream heard from within the cloud of dust.

The dust of cloud had made a turn around another corner, to put a distance between predator and prey. Tau was ready to make a quick sharp turn when he heard a sound from around of someone clashing into the ground.

That can't be good. Tau thought as he went around to find what happened. If another Outlander had claimed a straggler's life, he would have to admit defeat and let them keep their kill. A smile came when he saw the ostrich laying on the ground breathing heavily, but what made him more happy was who had caught him.

A hyena that Tau was all too familiar with, "Jasiri, morning." He greeted. Jasiri had quickly taken notice of the lion and gave a sly smirk to which made a chill run down his spine.

"Morning Tau. Noticed you were having trouble with a runaway bird and thought to give my special services to help."

Tau was thankful for Jasiri's assistance, but that only left him wondering what she wanted out of this, "Alright Jasiri, what's the catch this time?" after all the times they've spent together, she would only offer her 'help' if there was something in it for her.

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