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Hey Everyone,

I am writing this to let everyone who is following this story but not my account would know that I am returning and that I will be moving over to the Remastered Version.

Further information over there at "The Outlander Siblings -REMASTERED-" found in my profile list of posted stories.

(What will happen to this story?)
I still hold love for this that served as the foundation to one of the biggest Lion Guard stories out there that was favored by so many of you.

I will still leave this visible for anyone who want to read where I originally started and all the different comments that existed. The Remastered will contain a lot from this while also a few changes here and there... I won't reveal much but it was planned and is finally seeing the light it was promised.

Though it had been so long~

Sorry for the unexpected stop in this, I especially hate Cliffhangers but the story was a mess and I would throw anything I could think of in to hopefully see something stick, but now I have a manual of what I should do to make this story improved.

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