Back at the Den

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Tau was on his way back to his den where he was expecting to see a grumpy Janja waiting to yell the lion's ear off his head. It was a terrible image, but he did just disappear all night without giving word to him that he was going to spend all night with his now girlfriend. Something that still makes the lion feel giddily for, being in a relationship with someone he loves being with.

Arriving at the den with not much out of the ordinary of the scene, Cheezi and Chungu looked to be looking under rocks saying his name in a questionable manner as if they were looking for the lion under them. Did they seriously think I was under a rock? Though, since our den is a cave, that might not be farfetched. Tau thought with a smug smirk.

Nne and Tano were searching a bit more out in the distant scenery for his arrival, they at least were not foolish enough to think that Tau was hiding under a small rock, and apparently now a twig Chungu checked.

"Morning everyone!" Tau called out to the four hyenas searching for him, Nne and Tano looked over to the voice to see the golden lion they were searching for.

Chungu and Cheezi gasp at a rock they were checking, "I found Tau!" Cheezi cheered as he raises the rock to try and find the lion supposedly under it. Only to find the normal flat surface of the ground under it, "Nope." He grunted in disappointment.

Tau gave a playful nod at their 'stupidity' moments, something that he had questioned if they were doing this on purpose for a good laugh or if they seriously thought he could hide under a rock that was no bigger than his paw.

"Where were you last night?" Tano asked Tau.

A questionable look came from the two hyenas to the lion, while Cheezi and Chungu continued their search for the said missing lion. Tau knew that he was not going to get out of this without telling them, they were some of the hyenas he had gotten along with whenever he would pull pranks on his brother.

"I was with my girlfriend last night." He said to them, getting a surprised look and a smug grin from Nne.

"When were you ever in a relationship?" Tano asked getting a confirmation of this matter from Nne. The two had never seen nor heard him mention of being in a relationship with someone before, well besides his crush on Jasiri anyways.

Tau gave a sheepish smile, rubbing the back of his mane with his paw as he tried finding what to say, "Last night actually. Jasiri's paw was hurt and couldn't make it back, so we spent the night under the stars and decided to start." Hiding away a blush that shown brightly on his cheeks.

Tano found it hard to keep a serious expression at this, a lion and hyena in a relationship is something he never thought to be witnessing, but the biggest was that he knew of Janja's problem with Jasiri and the outcome with this news was going to be the best show he had ever watched.

Nne gave a questionable look trying to process what was mentioned, giving it a shrug of the matter, "Does that mean you plan on leaving us?" he asked. This question brought a bit of dread to the humor that Tano was thinking at the idea that if Tau left, things would start getting boring around here.

They both took their attention to what he would have to say about this, he turn back his attention to the two hyenas. Letting out a sigh at this, they were just as bad as his brother.

One reason being that Janja hated Jasiri was that he was afraid that she would take Tau far away from him, "You know I would never abandon you guys, and seeing from them two-" Tau said turning his attention to Cheezi and Chungu who were now sniffing the ground for Tau before bumping into each other, "I fear leaving you two to suffer with the others."

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