The Outland's Secrets

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Tau and Jasiri are now rushing towards the Outland where their friend needs the cure, following behind them is Fuli and Makini riding on her back. Makini is holding the gourde that holds the thing that the two were needing.

"This isn't going to end out well." Tau spoke over to Jasiri who knew what was worrying the lion, but the problem could be handled when it came, getting it to them was what was important.

Their journey had made it to Jasiri's clan, enough time to give them the medicine. "Tau! Jasiri!" Madoa quickly ran up to the two and gave a quick hug to her younger sister, "You two made it!" a sound of relief in her voice.

Her attention soon drawn to the two guests they have, "Who're they?" she questioned.

"Madoa, they are Fuli and Makini." Tau said gesturing to them by name before looking from them to Madoa, "Fuli, Makini. This is Madoa, Jasiri's sister." He finished the introduction.

The moment of pleasantry was cut short as he asked of their current patients' condition. She gave a worrisome look before answering, "They're not dead at least."

The two other gave a worried look of their own before all five started to make their way towards where they were, "What are your friends like Tau?" Makini asked to lighten the mood.

Tau and Jasiri gave a quick glance to one another before Jasiri decided to answer her question, "Just one of them is our friend, the others are ..." she paused to try and think of the right word for them, "acquaintances." She said loosely, not able to see Tau giving a eye roll to that choice of word.

Well, she's not wrong. He thought.

The group were wondering down multiple pathways, with the stench of blood growing stronger the closer they were getting. The blood smell wasn't making Fuli sick, but the other stuff mixed in was making the Pridelanders feel sickening.

"Are you two going to be alright?" Jasiri asked them, the two returning a smile in appreciation.

Fuli pressed on with Makini still riding on her back. The final turn was the worst of all as they were in the thick of the mucky smell. It had a putrid of blood, mold, vomit, and tar. You would had found it hard to smell if something had died in here with how awful it already was.

"Why does it smell this bad?!" Makini asked with her hands covering her nose.

"The poison from Kama is one that slowly rots away anyone, and with how long they had already gone fighting against it, I could only imagine the state they are in." Tau said with a hint of sadness, obviously to them that his friend was going through whatever was happening to them.

There are six paths splitting off in the tunnel, the group having made the final walk through to for Madoa having bumped into someone else who was already here.

Having recover to find a lone Jackal in a hyena den, "Sorry Hatari, I didn't see you there." Madoa apologized. The mention of the name raised a notice from Fuli, especially the appearance as one of the jackals from Reirei's pack.

"You!" Fuli called out, confusing Makini what could be wrong. "What is she doing here?" she asked the three other outlanders.

Hatari shrugged the question and kept her attention to the three, "I'm fine," looking now over towards Tau, "did you get the antidote?" she asked. Tau nodded with satisfaction which got a small smile from the jackal before moving out of the way to allow them entrance.

Fuli kept a close watch on her as she as well followed through, Hatari giving a sneer back before following up next to Tau to whisper something. "Who is she Fuli?" Makini asked.

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