Two Lions or more?

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Washed up against the Outland, a golden peach lioness held on half submerged in the water unconscious.

Tau quickly ran over next to the unconscious lioness and tugged her out of the water onto solid ground. 'Is she a Pridelander?' he questioned to himself looking at the strange lion. "Are you awake?" He tried asking, but there was no respond to his question.

Placing his ear against her stomach to see if he could hear her breathing, and though it was faint, she was alive. "Guess this will be another pain." He said to himself. He waited by her side, checking on her condition from time to make sure it had not turn for the worse.

It had been almost an hour before she started to squirm and groan, Tau approach by to check on her again and to see if she was starting to wake up, and she did. Waking up to an unfamiliar lion looking at her eye to eye. Quickly shooting up and let out an ear-piercing scream to Tau with how close the two were.

She after took a moment to calm down, "Ouch, scream a little louder, would you?! I think I might still be able to hear with the other ear." Tau said sarcastically and annoyed on the ground groaning in pain. A short moment before he was able to regain his ground from that surprise attack.

The lioness remembered seeing this lion, it was during the time those hyenas had attacked the Pridelands and he arrived to stop them, 'Tau' was what that one hyena called him. "Where am I?!" the lioness spoke to Tau wanting answer.

"You're in the Outlands, where else would you find someplace so barren besides your manner." He said, the lioness did not take kindly to this insult, "Excuse me?!" she said to his remark. "You are, now if you'd be so kind to leave the Outlands, I'd appreciate that." Tau further taunts.

"What's with your attitude!" the lioness further getting offended by him, "Like it? My uncle taught me it." He further pushed her button, the smug on his face with each one. "Why do you have to be so ... rude!" she complained.

Tau took a moment looking giving a fake curiosity, "Let's think, you're another Pridelander in the Outlands, I believe that's one. I rescued you from drowning and you had not thanked me yet, that's two. You yelled in my ear, that's three. And you did not apologize me for that but instead concerned with where you were first." He said with a cheeky smirk for each statement, "What did you expect my attitude to be?" he finished.

The lioness looked down ashamed of that, "Sorry, and thanks." She apologized. Tau was a bit taken aback by this, "..uh.." he was tongue tied on what he could say to that. Hearing that, he felt like he was being the bad guy in this moment, taking a deep breath to calm down. "I guess we got off on the wrong paw, my name's Tau, what's yours?" he greeted.

The lioness was a bit happy at this, "I'm Kiara." She said.

"Kiara, mind telling me how you wound up washed up?" Tau asked her curious about why she was fished out of the water. "Me and my friends we-" she started saying before a moment dawned on her, "MY FRIENDS!" she shouted in fear.

Kiara looked around hoping for someone, "Were there any other lioness besides me?!" she asked Tau looking worried. Tau looked nervously at her freaking out, "No, you were the only one I found." He said, only making her more worried.

"What's going on?" Tau asked wanting to know what was going on. Kiara took a moment to calm down, "I was playing with my friends Tiifu and Zuri when Zuri fell into the river, and when me and Tiifu tried rescuing her~" A moment pause for the story but Tau was able to get the gist of the situation here.

There could be a problem if they had washed up in the Outlands as well and meet up with someone dangerous, "I'll help you find your friends." Tau said to the worried lioness, "Let's check together." He finished, making a charge down the river.

The two ventured on down the river, Kiara was unfamiliar with the scenery around her. She had been in the Outlands before, but her time was short and wild. But she noticed the assured look of Tau's, he was used to this place. How long had he lived out here? Why does he have that scar? "...ara" a soft sounded voice piercing her mind.

"Kiara!" Tau called out to the lioness who was lost in thought.

She looked at the lion who was looking at her a bit worried, "Are you feeling alright?" he asked. Kiara was wondering why he was asking, "I'm fine, why?" Tau looked a little relieved, "I tried calling your name, but you wouldn't respond." He answered.

A moment pause came to the lioness, "I was just thinking of something." Kiara responded. Tau refused to further ask, thinking that she must be worried for her friends. If anything bad were to happen to his friends or family, he wouldn't know what he would do. Remembering each of them off the list, Hatari, Kuru, Mzingo, Madoa, the twins Wema and Tunu, and Jasiri.

A moment of realization came when he remembered Jasiri and what he was close to doing before Madoa had came in, he felt ashamed and embarrassed. What if Jasiri didn't feel the same way for him? He was a little worried for seeing her again, after what he was about to do.

Tau's face was a little fluster, remembering her; it was slowly feeling like she was the only thing he could think of after remembering what happened. Not noticing that his travel companion was catching on that something seemed off about him, she hadn't known him for long, but anyone could tell something was wrong with him in this moment.

Further down the river, another lioness was lost and alone. A bright peach color fur and green eyes with a cow lick at the top. She looked around nervously at her surrounding, this was the Outlands. A barren and dry place that looked to be devoid of life, across from the river that she was washed out of is the Pridelands.

The two-side looked to be as different as night and day with the river dividing the two. "Kiara? Zuri?" the lioness called out looking for her two friends. "Where are you?" she continued to ask, she didn't like to be left alone, especially in an unfamiliar place.

Only, she wasn't alone. Unknown to her were eyes watching her from the shadows of a cliff. Letting out a small chuckle as the shadow leap away.

Editor Note:

jUsT kIlL mE! Just end my misery of having to stay quarantine because of this annoying virus, human are such frightened creatures if this virus scares you into buying bulks of toilet paper and hand sanitizer like the end is coming.

The only good in this world is this creepy guy sitting in the corner of my room holding a cloth covered knife repeating a catchy song, "Scream for me! Bleed for me!" Maybe he can become my friend.

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