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Kiara was walking along side the running river along side with her travel companion Tau, she would continue to take glances over at him thinking that he had not noticed of this, but he was and getting annoyed of this.

"What is it?!" He spoke loud at the lioness a tad annoyed at her constant glances. Kiara was taken aback by this sudden outbreak, questioning how she could ask what she had in her mind, "I was wondering if you've seen any other lions out here, one our age with auburn fur one by any chance." She asked.

Tau was taken aback by this in surprise, that was specific, "Do you know this lion by chance?" Tau asked wondering about this; Kiara quickly flustered at this, 'Is that a yes?' Tau wondered to himself.

He took a deep breath, "I haven't seen any other lions living in the Outlands, but that isn't saying there are none besides me. But if there are, they may be further north of the Outlands." Tau said, this made her wonder why he said that.

"Why do you think that?" she asked, wondering why he would suggest this, "It is my task to protect these borders between the Outlands and the Pridelands. There are others who do the same with other parts of the border. And none of them had mention of a lion living in the Outlands, at least all but the Norther Border."

Kiara looked over at Tau, she saw the stern expression of the lion as he looked to be anxious about something. Kiara wanted to try asking what made the Norther Border different, but it seemed like Tau was about to answer for that, "It is the only territory that is the most reclusive and the guy there is a real piece of work." He said, sounding not too much of a fan with whoever he was mentioning.

"Who is it?" Kiara asked, Tau changed his face of stern anxious to a disgust, "Kuzimu, he is a cheetah who thinks highly of himself, prepared to sacrifice anyone to save his own hide, and cares little about the Circle of Life."

She noticed the small scrunch on his muzzle at the mention of Kuzimu, and given the sound of his personality from Tau, he sounded like a real jerk.

The two arrived at the spot where Tiifu had washed up on shores of the Outlands, they slowly moved forward before Tau quickly caught a whiff of something in the air. Blocking the other lioness' from advancing by placing his paw up in front of her.

"Wha-" Kiara was about to complain about something before Tau hushed her. He kept his attention in the air as he sniffs around the area, picking up a couple of familiar scents that he had not want to straggle with if it came down to it.

He gave a low growl, "Mbuzi and Kondoo." He spoke enraged at no one, "Why were those two here?" he further asked looking around for a possible clue for them to had come to this part of the Outlands.

Continuing to smell before he finally took notice of another scent, it was weak and unfamiliar. It didn't have the scent of an Outlander, it smelt of grass and flowers, 'definitely a pridelander.' Tau thought to himself trying to track where the scent was coming from.

Moving ever closer to the river, "I believe I smell one of your friends." Tau said getting Kiara's attention. "Really?!" she asked hopeful for her friend.

"Yeah, though I don't know which one." Tau followed the scent of the vague prideland smell and followed it towards the cliff further down, "She was in here." He said looking inside a hole.

Another scent was mixed in the fray of things, it wasn't a Pridelander that was for sure. But it was a calming scent, one he recognized right away. 'Jasiri.' He thought recalling his hyena friend.

Tau could probably guess what might had happen, Mbuzi and Kondoo were around for some reason, one of Kiara's friend was about to be founded by them until Jasiri came and rescued her from an approaching threat.

He was feeling a bit happy to know that if he found Kiara's friend, there was a chance he would meet up with Jasiri, but a nervousness came to him when he recalled to this morning. His almost attempt at forcing himself on her like that. 'What if she's mad at me for that?' Tau worried.

"Is there something wrong?" Kiara asked the lion who was beginning to forget the other lioness, he almost found it ironic for some reason. He was traveling with a lioness his age, she was charming when not screaming in his ear, yet the only one he could think about at this moment is Jasiri.

"It seems like one of your friends met up with a friend of mine." Tau said with a calming smile.

Tau started to follow the scent, Kiara gave it a try as well to see if she could pick up something, but besides the scent of the unfamiliar animal that she can assume would be Tau's friend, she struggled to find out who's scent was also mixed in.

They didn't have to walk long before they started to hear a voice, sounding like a soft scream. At least that was what it sounded at first before it started to grow louder.

'aaahahhhhhHHHHHHHH' the sound grew, the two turned towards the sound to see two lioness cub falling from the sky, the two came crashing down on Tau.

The two-lioness groaned at the pain, "Zuri! Tiifu!" Kiara called out at her friends suddenly appear, the two looked to where the voice was to see Kiara looking excited to see her friends again. "Kiara!" they both said in unison getting up and racing towards her.

Tau was left trying to regain his footing after that slam attack, just as he had managed to regain his stance, another sound started to pierce his ear. It wasn't the sound of scream of terror, but the sound of joy, turning to see another figure crashing into him.

Rolling on the ground before the two came to a halt, Tau was on his back on the ground, and laying on top of him was someone who made his heart race. Her muzzle pressed against his chest, "Jasiri!" Tau said in surprise.

Author Note:
Hey Everyone, welp; the group all met up and that is one way to bump into an old friend. *Snicker* I'm too tired to work on the 3rd part right now, tomorrow I should feel up to have two chapters posted.

I was falling asleep while working on this one, work was exhausting. My editor had to yell at me to wake up, so I somehow managed to get this made.

We are on 2 of 5 before the Question and Answer! You have 2 days left until I will answer all questions sent in, so if you have not yet or if there are more you want to ask me...You had best hurry. I'll see you all then and have ready a few extra gifts for the 10K view besides the Q&A and the 5th part of this update moment.

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