-Pt. 1 & 2- The Search for Kama

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Bunga looked over to Tau who was walking around in circle as if he were lost in thought, "Who's Kama?" he asked nonchalantly to the lion. Tau snapped from his pondering moment to look at the honey badger with a stern look. Of course he wouldn't know who Kama is.

He took a moment sigh; everyone had their attention drawn to the lion as he ready to answer the question that was on all their minds. "She's an Outlander, an albino serval who will stop at nothing to get what she wants. I thought there would be no reason to her coming to the Pridelands, even now, I can't believe that she would actually be here."

They looked at him curiously what he meant by that, why wouldn't he suspect that she would be here in the Pridelands? Fuli was the next to ask the question that was again on everyone's mind, "Why did you think she wouldn't be in the Pridelands?"

This was starting to annoy the outlander lion, are they just going to keep asking question while a blood thirsty killer was on the lose in the Pridelands? If they didn't do anything soon, she would destroy everything in the blink of an eye.

"She never had an agenda against Pridelanders, rather, she hated the Outlanders." Tau explained.

This only brought more question, Rani was starting to get annoyed that it felt like he was only giving parts of a detail to her and letting it lead to more question, "That doesn't explain anything!" she snapped.

Their attention was now drawn to the auburn lioness who was surrounded by her pride, a low scowl grew on Tau as he was annoyed by her sudden outburst, "That is the thing about Kama! There is no sense to her actions!" he snapped in her face.

"What do you mean there is no sense to her action? That is your problem, you're not telling us everything we need to know! You're just throwing vague answers!" she snapped back, their heads butting into each other to compete against the other.

Their eyes locked on as they glared at one another, "Her reasons aren't important, what is, is to get her back to the Outlands before she causes any more harm!" Tau growled back.

Their action was soon broken by Simba stepping between, "Break it up!" he spoke as the two fell away from one another. Rani was comforted by her brother and friend Nirmala; Tau was as well by his companion Jasiri.

Rani never broke her glare of Tau, questioning the lion more. He was apparently the king and queen's son yet acts cold and distant towards them, he appeared to be hiding of something, and his attitude is rather wild and uncultured. You wouldn't expect a lion like him to be of royalty.

"Do you have any idea how we can find her Tau?" Simba asked, Fuli, Ono, and Kiara and her friends were surprised at him asking Tau for advice of taking care of the matter like this.

Tau gave a sigh as he looks over at the king, "I have an idea, though it will only work if I go alone." He said, this struck a few around of what he had just said.

"No!" outspoken by one that even surprised Tau, looking to his side to find Jasiri glaring a stern and vicious stare that would give any creature a chill down to the bones. "With what happened yesterday! I'm not letting you take her on again!"

The others were surprised by this, "What happened yesterday?" Nala asked worryingly at the two. Kiara and her friends sunk a little low at this, which was unnoticed by the others but Simba.

"Kama may have ... almost ... killed me." Tau spoke, his audio grew lower that it was barely heard if it wasn't for that the cave was quiet enough.

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