Further Into the Unknowns (Pt. 1)

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"Zuka Zama!" shouted Bunga who flung himself from atop a tree branch into a water pond below, a splash which got sent to both Ono and Fuli who were relaxing on the sideline.

"Bunga! Watch where you're splashing!" Fuli griped with furry.

Ono neglected to give his own comment as he flung the liquid substance off his wings, giving a low groan before flying to a more safer distance from the 'Splash Zone'.

"Come on Fuli, relax! I think we've earned it! I mean, we did chase that Kama creep back to the Outlands!" Bunga said, floating on his back as he splashed his feet to move along the top of the water.

"I don't want to hear it," Fuli glared away, looking a bit down casted, "not like we did anything to help."

Fuli had been struggling to come to understand the mind of Tau, or surprising to say, the king's lost son Kion. A lion who chose to be an Outlander, why? It seemed like there was danger, and deception, was he truly to be trusted? Questions only continued to grow, and it felt like she wasn't going to be getting the answer any time soon, or at all maybe.

One thing she knew, Tau was hiding something, her thought was abruptly put to a stop when she heard a commotion going on, What's going on?

** Pride Rock **

Simba was in the middle of his daily morning news from Zazu, informing him of the current uptake in the Prideland. "And the Zebras were on the marching path towards Geyser Falls."

It was the sound of rumbling earth that brought an end to Zazu's continued report, "What in the Pridelands was that?!" he spoke out in shock, flapping his wings, lifting a meter off the ground.

"I don't know," Simba's tone was dread, birds flew off from where the Gorge is located, "fly ahead and scour the area, I want a full report of anything suspicious!"

"At once sir!" Zazu gave a salute before flying off towards where the earth shake had happen.

** Outlands **

Tau was stirring a mud patch with a claw, enjoying a day of relaxation, Safia was recovering from a steam vent that singed her tail, Reirei and her family were not stirring trouble, Kama and Kulua hadn't been heard from after the 'incident', and there were no new Pridelander "visiting" the Outlands.

In all, it was a wonderful time to relax, "I wonder what Jasiri is doing right now," a smile adoring his face as he thought of his hyena girlfriend, "probably looking after the pups."

He was brought out of his thought by the constant call of his name getting louder, "Tau!" shouting from above. Looking up, Tau saw his vulture friend Mzingo coming closer to the landing.

"Hey Mzingo, what are you doing here?" Tau asked, curious what he had to say. Mzingo landed on top of a rock pile, looking down onto the lion who was already laying against the ground enjoying the sunbathing.

Mzingo shook his fathers, giving them a quick brush before wrapping them to his side, "I simply came here with some bit of news."

Tau gave a momentary pause at this, "What kind of news?"

Mzingo gave a sly grin, 'Oh great, that kind of news.' Tau rolled his eyes as he waited for the vulture to spill whatever he had to say. "I was flying on by the Prideland when I notice the ground suddenly started to shake, got to say, it was quite unusual if you ask me." Bragging about his adventure to the Prideland, something he normally hadn't been able to do without exception. "So I decided to take a quick little look, and I got to say what I found truly astonished me." Mzingo gave a look of surprise as if to emphasize it.

"And what did you find?" Tau asked, wanting to get to the point of this story.

Mzingo obviously caught on as he was not going to give Tau the ending all to easily, "You know, I must be getting quite old since my memory is acting a bit fuzzy this morning." He gave a smirk.

Tau gave a groan, "Seriously?! Fine, what if I offer double rations for dinner? Would you 'recall' what you found then?"

Mzingo gave a slight hum to the offer, as if contemplating it, "throw in extra for breakfast tomorrow and you got yourself a deal."


Mzingo gave a smirk, whenever he found some kind of news that would be of value to Tau, he would always haggle himself some extra portion of scraps. "So then, what did you find?"

He gave a momentary pause, as if to build the dramatical effect, "A cavern!"

Tau's expression quickly fell faster than his paw to the ground in anger, "A CAVERN!? You had me on suspense for a cave?" rage didn't fully express what he was feeling at the moment, and Mzingo could tell he should quickly mention something else before it all went south for him.

"Not just any cavern, mind you Tau!" his voice shook a bit with fear, the continuation of this news held Tau's curiosity enough to not give his negative comment on the vulture friend. "What laid inside were glow mushrooms."

Tau stopped dead in his track, glowing mushrooms? Mycena chlorophos! This was troubling news, an earth shake would mean that a hole formed, and if they were the mushrooms that Tau were thinking of, it could become trouble for the Prideland, and in contrast, the Outlands.

"I got to tell Jasiri!" Tau called out, racing on towards Jasiri's den, it would seem his adventure in the Prideland were not over yet, especially if these Mushrooms were not contained fast enough.

** Prideland – The Gorge **

Zazu was flying on over the dried ravine, looking out for anything out of the ordinary. "Oh, I hope it isn't those darn wildebeests again." He groan in annoyance, there had been a number of false alert because of their easily frighten nature.

He was making a final lap on through before ready to call it quit before he quickly caught sight of something in the distance, something shimmering with a green glow.

Flying on towards it, a part of the wall had crumbled on itself, caved in in fact, he gave a look inside to find glowing mushrooms. "Hello there, what do we have here?" he asked no one.

Plucking one with his beak, he flew off to report back to the king.

Author Note:

* Groans * Things are a mess, I am losing focus on where my story was basing; though I guess that is to be expected when you have 60+ chapters.

I had been trying to re-read my entire story; yeah . . . That was a challenge in of itself. I am working on the remastered version of this story while trying to keep this story alive, not doing such a good job of that so far.

DC had been on my back for most of the tasks I had given him, and I had come to forgot a lot of them. Next chapter is to be soon, don't know when, don't want to promise and give the 'oops, I'm late again' message~

I'll at least have some free time really soon to try and focus. I would like to mention that at my job, I kind of had gotten a promotion . . . I am normally a Cashier at my job, now, during scheduled points, I am in charge of the other cashiers.

Though, guess that isn't really much different from earlier as a lot of the mangers had came to me for advice or to answer questions on a number of cases. (I remember one time a question was asked over a walkie and the manager responded that it was a question to ask me.)

Training had gotten done, gotten through a trial period to see how I would do as such, now I am put in the situation as such.

Finally we can move along, it had started to feel like ages before you've written anything.

See you all soon~

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