Watching from further beyond

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Kiara had met with Tau and Tiifu had met with Jasiri; the two groups travel down stream to find their missing friends, but what happened to Zuri?

Further down the river, into the darker parts of the Outlands. The water flows into a lake looming with a fog giving it an eerier and gloomy look, on the shores of the lake is a tawny-orange furred lioness drenched and shivering from the cold.

"This is awful." She complained to herself, her legs scrunched against her body to hopefully gain some heat. Behind her is a large cliff too high for her to climb up, and in front is a large lake; there was no where she could leave too. "What am I supposed to do now?" she asked herself for an answer.

"You can become our lunch!" A voice spoke from the lake, rising to the surface are a float of crocodiles, eight were what Zuri counted. Eight green scaled large lizard with sharp teeth and long snout, "I've been dying for a little snack." One of the crocodiles said as he made his way towards land. Rising up from the water, he has dark green rims around his eyes and on the side of his belly are three lightly green marks.

The lioness slowly tried to move away from the approaching crocodile, as slowly more started to come onto land along with the first, "Stay back!" Zuri called out in fear. Moving slowly further back before she felt a solid hit against her back side, she was against the wall that was behind her earlier.

"A scared meal are the best ones." The crocodile said with a slurp to the saliva that ran down his jaws. Zuri curled up her body waving her paw over her eyes not wanting to see how her life was about to end.

"What's going on here Kiburi?" A sinister voice spoke with a chuckle; the crocodiles all gasped in fear at who said that, as they slowly backed away from another animal who came to these parts of the water. Zuri dropped her paw down when she was noticing how she was still alive, seeing all the crocodiles were looking further to the right of her in fear.

Over to the right of her was a lone rock, but what was sitting on it was a female feline, a serval. The one crocodile that had the dark green rims around his eyes came forward towards the female serval, "What are you doing here Kama! These are our water!" he said to her. 'Kama?' Zuri thought to herself looking at the serval just giving a smile to the crocodiles.

The look in the crocodile's eyes were filled with fear, they were scared of this serval. But why?

"I know Kiburi, you see. Kulua said that there were a couple of stray lionesses that got washed up in the Outlands and I was just 'dying' to meet them." She said putting emphasis on dying for some reason. Kiburi tried looking tough facing this serval, but he still looked nervous while facing her.

The serval gave a chuckle at that, "The way you're glaring at me makes me think you want to take a bite out of me." She said with a smile. Kiburi took a move back from this, "What do you want with us, 'monster'!" he said keeping a close distance to the water.

She looked over from the crocodile to the lioness in the corner, her crimson eyes to Zuri's blue eyes before returning her attention back to the Kiburi. She then gave a smile back, "I only wanted to come by and say 'hi'. Hi!" she said, but they were not trusting her words.

Kiburi looked over at the lioness to try and see what the point of Kama's action was moments ago, 'Why did she focus on this lioness?' he wondered to himself. Whatever she was plotting, he wanted no part of it, "Lets go boys! I didn't want to get fur stuck in my throat anyway." He said disappointedly before returning to the water with his float.

Zuri watched in shock as the float of crocodiles fled, they had that serval outnumbered, but they didn't even put up a fight against her. But she was both relieved and scared by this, relieving to be safe from those crocodiles but was scared for what was this new outlander up too.

She jumped off the rock she was on and headed over to Zuri giving a warm smile, "Nice to meet you, I hope those crocodiles didn't scare you too much." She said. Approaching close but keeping a distance to not scare the lioness, "Who are you?" Zuri asked.

The serval's ears popped up in surprise, "Oh, where's my manner? You may call me Kama, just another resident here in these Outlands." She greeted while keeping a smile. Her red eyes shine with honesty and compassion, but there was something beyond those eyes that gave the lioness an icky feeling.

"I must ask, what is a pretty lioness like you doing here in the outlands?" Kama asked Zuri tilting her head in a curious manner, her ear sway to the side along with her head, "I just got lost." She said, trying to keep it simple.

"If you're lost, maybe I can help you. I know these Outlands; I can get you back home if you want." Kama said keeping her friendly attitude with Zuri. Zuri looked curiously at Kama, "Why are you being nice?" she asked.

Kama gave a confused look at this, "What do you mean? Is it wrong to be nice? I just wanted to be some help." Her ears dropped low down her head in sadden. Seeing this made Zuri feel a bit bad about what she said, "Alright, I do need to get back anyways, what's the worst that could happen?" Zuri said giving in to Kama's offer.

Kama's ears popped up at this, "Really?! That's great! I'll help you get back to your friends!" she said leaping towards a path, "Follow me!" she said, Zuri reluctantly followed along with Kama. Though she seemed nice, something didn't feel right about this Outlander, but couldn't figure out what it was.

Jasiri and Tiifu were continuing their walk towards the Crocodile's Lake to see if any of Tiifu's friends wound up down there, but she hoped that was not the case.

Jasiri noticed the doubt swelling in the lioness' eyes, she was worried for her friends. "I'm sure they're alright." Jasiri said catching the lioness by surprised. Giving Tiifu a calming smile, "Thanks Jasiri." Tiifu said appreciating what she was trying to do.

Tiifu wanting to find a way to keep her mind off of the negative thoughts, "What is it like living in the Outlands?" she asked the hyena. Jasiri looked over at Tiifu who was curious about the answer to her question, "It can be tough sometimes but what can I say? Kwetu ni kwetu; Home is home." She said with a smile to her answer.

Tiifu was a little curious what she meant by this, "Huh?" she asked. "Though there isn't much around and we struggle to survive. It is a place to call home, and a place worth taking a stand to protect." She said giving further details to her answer.

And even though she tried to understand, Tiifu found it hard to understand what she meant by that. She could see that Jasiri cared about this place obviously, maybe there is a charm to the Outlands that she just couldn't see.

Tau and Kiara were as well venturing down stream towards the Crocodile's Lake, Kiara would glance back at Tau from moments, and even though she thought that he was unaware of her repeated glances at him, he was fully aware.

'Why is she always observing me?' Tau thought to himself. Any time he would look over at her, she would look away acting like she was not paying him any mind, 'Pridelanders are weird sometimes.' He thought.

How will the three group react when they meet? The collision of the three Pridelander Lioness is slowly approaching, why did Kama save Zuri? Why is Kiara paying attention to Tau?

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