-Pt. 5- The Search for Kama

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The auburn lioness looked through the brushes of a large, cleared field space for any sign of Kama. Her expression showing slight enraged at how 'Tau' had claimed that they couldn't handle a lone serval.

"Who does that lion think he is?" she ranted to no one.

Rani searched for what felt like hours under the hot sun; but in contrast it was no longer than fifteen minutes since she left the cave to search for this 'Kama'.

Hopefully, the others are having better luck than I am. She thought to herself as she tried to keep positive. As long as they can prevent unnecessary kills from happening, that was a win in her book. But that only made her shudder as she recalled what happened to the buffaloes.

Someone who was willing to kill, not for survival; or even to eat off of no less was something unnatural. Even to eat more than their share, but this was purely out of sport. As if life meant nothing to this creature. "What could have led her to do something like that?"

'There is no sense to her actions' Tau's word rang in her head like a echo from a deep cave. It was the one thing she would have to agree with him on, despite not liking the guy.

She must have stopped searching as she soon found herself wondering aimlessly as if she were sleepwalking. Finding that she was now standing next to a thick tree with branches at the very top leading off to bushes of leaves.

Remembering this place was where the Royal Mjuzi lived, "How did I get all the way here?"

Glancing around to find that she was all alone, well ... surely there is no way she was going to find Kama here, there was nothing here for what seems like miles. "Uhg! Why is it so hard to find one albino serval?!"

"RANI!" A voice shouted from above.

Rani looked up to find a white owl hovering in mid-air in a panic, "What's wrong Ullu?" Rani asked.

"Trouble at the Watering hole, Kama is there with Nirmala!" Ullu informed.

Rani became fearful for her friend Nirmala, though she believes that she can hold her own in a fight, this was still an unknown enemy and she didn't want to take chances. "Lead the way!"

Ullu lead Rani to where Kama and Nirmala would be at, Hang in there Nirmala, help is on the way!

** Watering Hole **

Nirmala was laying close to the ground with Kama overshadowing her.

"There is still hope for you to survive," Kama said, giving a pause to allow Nirmala to sink in this chance before continuing, "all you have to do is tell me what I want to know."

Nirmala questioned what she could possibly be after but had no strength in her to fight back. "Who told you about me?"

Silence fell for the two as Kama waited for the answer while Nirmala tried to ponder why she wanted to know anyways.

"Don't try my patient, unlike me; time isn't on your side." Nirmala knew what she meant by that, the poison felt like it was seeping deeper into her lungs, trying to suffocate her. And if the poison didn't kill her, she could bet that the serval would.

Nirmala tried to think with what time she was currently given, Tau had explained how the two knew each other; and it seemed she didn't suspect he was here in the Pridelands. "s-som-one" she hardly breathed through the pain in an almost soft whisper.

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