Further Into the Unknowns (Pt. 2)

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"Are you sure?"

Tau sat beside Jasiri with a nervous expression, "Mzingo told me himself, and we both know he'd not make a claim like that if it weren't serious." Tau informed.

The two sat in silence as they'd taken in this news, if what was mentioned in accurate as Tau believed and they may not have any prior knowledge of such thing, they could be looking at the destruction of the Pridelands.

Jasiri watches as Tau steps around in circles, contemplating, it felt like there was trouble happening at every turn. "What are your thoughts?" she asked, curious as to what Tau may had come up with.

Tau opened his mouth, ready to say something, only to close it. Shaking his head, he resumed his pacing in circle, "Seriously? Nothing?" she groaned in annoyance.

She was not able to prove any better in this instance, since neither of them had the knowledge of toxic mushrooms, the only ones who had any knowledge of this stuff were, Them. Looking over to where the Elephant's Graveyard is.

"Maybe we won't have to worry, I mean, they do have a Mjuzi." Tau said, clearly grasping at straws, "They can handle this." He shrug it off with a wave of a paw.

Jasiri looked at him unconvinced, if he were not worried, they wouldn't had been here thinking about this situation in the first place. She gave a heavy sigh, "It could be possible, why don't we go on over and see how they are handling things." She gave a reassurance.

The idea was better than either of them were currently coming up with, Tau gave a nod.

With the two agreeing and quickly making a race on towards the Pridelands, hoping that either they weren't too late, or they had the means to handle this problem. The two unaware of the pair of violet eyes staring from above.

The figure gave a sinister smirk watching them leave, "Mother is going to want to hear about this." The voice spoke before disappearing from where they had been moment ago.

** The Outlands (Zira's Pride) **

"You're sure?!" Zira asked with a hint of amusement in her tone, having been informed of what the Pridelanders had unearthed.


The news was a peak of interest to their leopard guest, who laid in a corner with anticipation to what he had just heard. "Interesting, and you are sure Tau was assertive in assisting with this matter?" he asked, no doubt questioning the genuine of this, but he wanted to be sure.

The lioness glared at the leopard with venom in her eyes, "You dare question me?" she asked with no hesitant in ready to attack at any given moment.

"My dear Vitani, you, along with the rest of your mother's pride," he stopped when he heard Zira give a growl, "haven't had the pleasure of facing against 'The Outlander's Protector'." His voice when speaking that was filled with sarcasm.

"He'd faced against some of the Outland's fierce beasts, endured harsh environments, and even so much as foiled a plan of mine," running a single claw under the lioness' chin so he could bring her to eye level, "and the one thing that EVERY creature around him knows, is that he hates the Pridelanders with a burning passion."

Zira wanted to make a jab against the leopard, Makucha, for the way he was acting towards both herself and to her daughter, but the mention of this information had also got her attention, 'This Tau hates the Pridelander with a passion and yet he is willing to save them? Why?'

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