Kumbuka / Help Us, Please!

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A/N: Just ignore that Kion is in the Music Video...

It had been weeks since Fuli or the gang met Tau in the Outlands after what had happened. Now they are back to living their normal daily lives in the Pridelands, while from times Fuli would stare off into the Outlands wondering about the lion who lives out there.

They would question why he was living in the Outlands, but with no answers for their questions they had started to forget or ignore the questions they have. The Pridelands are now preparing for the Kumbuka Celebration, the day when King Simba reclaim the throne from his uncle Scar. "Hey Fuli, you coming?!" A voice calls out the cheetah; looking over to see her friends Beshte, Bunga, and Ono.

"Coming!" Fuli calls out to them chasing after to where they were stationed.


Deep within the Outlands where the Volcano resides, a snake is slithering its way passed pillars of stone that litters the place coming to a hole in the ground, "It is time, Sumu!" he spoke to the hole to which a swarm of red eyes opened to the call.

Crawling out of the hole is a black scorpion whose voice sounds with a deep echo from within as if there was nothing inside, "About time." He spoke enraged to having to be patient. "Make sure to not be discovered by that nuisance of a lion, Tau!" the snake warned the scorpion who smirk and raced off out of the volcano.


The Pridelanders are all gathered at Pride Rock ready for the celebration, with Rafiki and his apprentice Makini and the royal family King Simba, Queen Nala, and their daughter Kiara standing on top of Pride Rock.


Today is the day we celebrate
The most wondrous victory
Let everyone participate
From Pride Rock to the tallest tree
Before pray we for freedom
He return to make thing right
So every time that you see him
You can shout with delight


Good King Simba


Takes care of everything


Good King Simba


The true and rightful king


Good King Simba
Hail, hail, hail to the king
Hail, hail, hail to the king
Hail, hail, hail to the king
Hail, hail, hail to the king


As Rafiki passed the attention over to Simba, he falls onto the ground as everyone gasps in shock at the sudden collapse from their king, "Your Majesty!", "Simba!", "Dad!", "Our Baby Boy!" the close family and friend of Simba's called out racing over to him. Rafiki examining the king as to what may have happened rummaging his hands across his body till, he made his way to the tail where a small blemish is.

Rafiki gasps, "King Simba was stung, by a scorpion!" he spoke in shock. With them taking the king in to the den where Rafiki would start trying to save their beloved king. But they were without a remedy to save him as Nala and Kiara grows worried that they may lose him. "Is there anything we can do Rafiki?" Nala asked, a moment pause as Rafiki tries to think of a solution to this dilemma.

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