-Pt. 4- The Search for Kama

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Darkness; that was all that surrounded the lion as he looks around the dark place he found himself waking up too. He looked to try and peer into the dark room he was in, where was he? How did he get here? His mind was a bit hazy as he tried to recall the last thing before waking up here.

The sound of water droplet clashing against the stony ground, echoing in what he can only guess could be a cavern. "Hello?" He called out, his voice echoing out to make it sound as if more of him had called out in a distance in a chain reaction.

He stayed for a moment, taking in the silence that soon followed afterwards; nothing.

"You're awake~" A voice cooed in the darkness; it sent a shiver down the lion's back at the eerie feeling.

Turning towards where he thinks to find where the source of the voice came from, he was only met with an endless darkness, "Who's there?!" he called out with a trembling voice; why was he finding whoever else here to be menacing?

The voice gave a chuckle, "I am the monster of the Outlands-" a white tail slid under the lion's muzzle and disappeared back into the darkness, giving him a whiff of what he could only assume as blood and mold but there was another scent in there that he could not place, "something to be feared."

He questioned on her words, something to be feared. He could feel it that her words were true, he was feeling nervous around whoever it was that was hiding around him. Feeling like a prey trapped in a spider web, he could hear her claws gently scrapping against the stone ground, the sound boarding in his mind as he tries to keep focus on where it were coming from.

"It must be pretty lonely." The sound of claws came to a halt at those words that escaped the lion's mouth, all went completely silence as if to let those words sink in.

After what felt like an eternity in the silence, the voice spoke up to break it up, "I had long since pass that point, there is nothing left of me but unconditional; unBEARABLE hatred." He caught the strain in her voice as she put emphasis on that.

The sound of her footsteps returned as she went back to circling around him, "Now, why don't we get started~" she said before everything gone silence again. "How did you come to know of me?" he heard her whisper into his ear.

Quickly turning to find that there was only darkness; how was it that she could disappear before he has a chance to get so much as a glance of her? Though there was other things on his mind as well to leave this last of the matter, "What do you mea-"

Before he had a chance to finish his question, he was quickly interrupted by the voice again, "I don't recall ever seeing you in the Outlands, the only place I have ever existed before today; there were only three Pridelanders who ever took notices of me. Kiara, Tiifu, and Zuri. Other than them, there is one other animal here in the Prideland who would know I exist, and that is where I am stump at." She paused, letting the first half set in before resuming, "And here you are, someone who was looking for me; who knew I existed. How? If it weren't those four, who else here in the Pridelands know of me?"

There was only silence, and it was annoying the other that remained with him; "Who?" she stressed further on the question. A grunt was soon follow as she found that there was going to be no hope in getting the answer out of him there.

"Who else knows of me?" he raised a brow, was she getting desperate? Her growl only solidified his curiosity as he kept quiet. Testing how far he could go before it drove her to get reckless and expose something that he could use to either escape or understand what was going on.

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