Follow the Path of Betrayal

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Kama watched in excitement as she slowly approaches Lora who was struggling just to hag out the poison that had seeped down her throat. The pain of it burning and tearing the inside out, the blood and saliva that falls out mixing together in a puddle beneath her mouth.

Kuru stood back in shock and fear at what was happening, Miiba was still trying to relieve the pain that Kama had managed to inflict onto her, as Safia stood both stunned and nervous at what had just happened, 'Was this why she was feared? Her blood?' she thought.

Lora struggled to look over at Kama who was approaching with a sinister smile, giving a slam into her side as she tumbled down letting out a rough and hard cough as she found it a struggle to breath in that moment, groaning in pain at this.

Before she could manage to try and regain herself, Kama placed a paw onto one of her shoulder under part that connected her leg to the body and began to apply pressure. Her leg was flung back onto the ground, pain erupting from where it was starting to bend where it was not supposed too.

Lora had tried to cry out in pain, but the blood and saliva that would keep forming in the mouth made it hard, her voice was muffled by them as she tried to scream out the pain, gasping for air was no help. The sound of Kama's laughter haunted those around as a sight of nightmare as she found pleasure in the injured hyena's pain.

Luna called out for the serval to leave Lora alone, "Stop it!" Luna managed to say after relieving some of the blood and saliva she had struggled through as well, the sound of bone crackling from Lora brought a fear to Luna, Lora's eyes widen in shock, fear, and unimaginable pain as the sound of bone crackling only grew louder, echoing through the cavern before it ended with a loud crack and a whaling of cry from Lora as blood had managed to shot out of her mouth.

The noise pierced through the ears of the others around, and though they didn't find joy in it, Kama's expression only grew more with it. She let out a laughter as Lora fell limped to the ground with a now ripped off leg that laid a few inches away from the body, blood seeping through as the bone to her shoulder and the meat part became visible in the fresh air.

Luna, Kuru, and Miiba looked in horror at the image before them, Lora's eyes were wide open as her eyes rolled up in their socket and tears streamed down, the pain was too much that it had put her in a state of shock, and with the battle against the poison, she was now on death's door.

"lora," Luna said looking at Lora's motionless body in horror, she struggled to pull her own body towards Lora's before Kama took noticed of this pitiful attempt to reunite with a soon to be dead corpse.

Kama gave a shove against Luna away from Lora just to spite her wishes, "Come now, where's the fun in giving you a peaceful and rewarding death after you took mine?!" she mocked the hyena who struggled to try and return to Lora's side.

She decided now to try against Luna as she placed a paw against the back of her neck sending it against the floor of the cave. Her head shot up fast to match with the hinges of the neck muscles as it made her look directly at Lora.

"You'll know what it was like for me, betrayed and abandoned!" Kama's voice was hinted with a bitter resentment as she applied more pressure towards the back of Luna's neck.

Luna felt the pain as her head kept trying to tilt up in a position it was not meant to be, the air way becoming blocked as it made it harder for her to breath. Which was already a challenge with the poison's effect, but now she can't even cough out the blood or saliva as it aided in chocking her.

Her voice had gone silent, her vision was becoming darker as she kept her look on Lora, 'I'm sorry.' She begged in her mind before letting the darkness take hold of her.

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