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The group had all started to calm down after Simba's roar, Tau ever so lightened up as he moves over by Jasiri's side who was still a bit shaken up by what was about to happen. Along with Tau, Jasiri, Kiara, Tiifu, and Zuri are Bunga and his two friends Fuli and Ono.

Arriving along beside Simba are his wife Nala along with Rani and her pride. "What happened Dad?" Kiara asked slowly coming towards him, as Tiifu and Zuri slouch back still frightened by that roar.

Nala was the one who came forward to explain, "Your father and I were worried when Zazu informed us of a hyena at Pride Rock." She said as she then turned her attention over to the two Outlanders, "And it seems that it was just him overreacting."

Tau kept a focus on the group, curiously at what Kiara mentioned of Simba being her father, that it means she is his sister. "Zazu? You mean that hornbill is still alive?" Tau said which made the others curious at.

"You know Zazu?" Kiara questioned as she looked at the lion.

Nala and Simba questioning if by chance it was a memory. Tau rolling his eyes as he gave a chuckle, "Not personally, just some stuff I heard from the others." A sly smirk as he whispered under his breath a joke he remembered, 'The Birdy Boiler.'

Simba paused a moment before letting a cough to return his attention to at hand. "What brought you here anyways?" he asked.

Tau had glanced over at Jasiri for a moment, the idea of telling the whole truth of why he was here was probably not a good thing to do, "A friend of ours was poisoned, and the only place we can get a cure in time was here in the Prideland."

Nala took the next question as she looks over at the hyena, "What is your relationship with Tau?" this got Simba as well curious but not so much for Bunga and Kiara's group as they had a run in with her.

The two gave each other a smirk, almost as if daring the other to say; Tau was the one who spoke, "We're a couple." Everyone in the cave fell shocked by this, Simba was more so.

"A lion and a hyena can't be together!" he protested to the lion with an infuriated tone.

Tau gave a shrug of the eyes as he ignored Simba's claim, "Maybe that's how it's done in the Pridelands- but I am an Outlander!" he retorted back. "And last I've checked; we do what we want in the Outlands without your tradition and rules!" further stating.

Simba grew more so infuriated by this, setting his paw down as he said with more a sterner voice, "You're in the Pridelands now, and here, I make the rules!"

Tau was starting to get infuriated, "Who was it that helped get you the ashes to cure you? I could have just let the scorpion's poison finished you off!" he said in an enraged. This brought a shock to the others, especially worrying Jasiri with that. "This is why I hate Pridelanders, they're full of their own ego that they can't accept changes!"

Rani was disgusted at what she was hearing, was this the one that Nala had told her about, their son? He spoke to his father as if he would let him die, "That's enough!" she jumped in surprising the golden lion.

"Who are you?" Tau asked.

"The name's Rani, leader of the Night Pride and Queen of the Tree of Life!" she introduced herself to him.

Tau gave an annoyance shrug, "Great, another high and mighty royal who looks down on others." He taunts her title. "Well, 'your majesty'! First earn my respect before I give even half a mind to care what you have to say." He further insults.

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