Tau's Death (Pt. 1)

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Zuri collapsed on the ground from the Centipede's sting, "Zuri!" Kiara and Tiifu shouted as they approached next to their fallen friend, "Hand in there Zuri!" Kiara said comforting her.

They could only look in horror as they saw their friend struggled in pain from the toxin, the sound of laughter coming from the recent guest Kama brought everyone's attention to her. Her eyes were widened like a maniac, "You've grown softer Tau, had you forgotten my style of fighting already?" she asked the lion.

"Why are you doing this Kama?" Tau asked the serval who looked ecstatic at the suffering of the Pridelander. "Why? Because of you, that's why!" she regain her composure as she glared at the lion with her fangs showing. "I had waited for months for the day you would try to kill me, but as your grudge against the Pridelands had grew duller, so had your resolve to our fight." She finished.

The spectators had listened to their conversation on what was happening, 'Grudge against the Pridelands?' Kiara was surprised to hear. Tau was the one who saved her father when he was stung by a scorpion, when she had recall that moment was almost similar to what was happening now, 'Did she try to kill dad as well?'

"Jasiri! Get them to the Pridelands!" Tau spoke out catching their attention, Jasiri looking at Tau who was looking back at her with a serious expression, she knew what he meant by that look.

They would be a liability, "Alright." She answered moving over to Zuri to slide onto her back, "Wha-" Kiara questioned but was cut off by Jasiri, "We need to get your friend back to the Pridelands where it's safe." She said.

Kiara wanted to ask some questioned but the safety of Zuri was important at the moment, glancing over at Tau for a moment to see a stern resolve in his eyes.

The four had started moving leaving Tau and Kama in their spot, "I won't all-" Kama said as she tried to chase after the group that were trying to escape only to be blocked off by Tau, "I won't let you hurt them!" he said blocking her path.

A smirk quickly came over her, 'Is he ready to fight?' she thought looking at the lion in front of her. "Never thought it would take a life of a Pridelander to get you to take me seriously, what happened to make you change? Did you fall in love with one of them?" she asked almost mocking the lion.

He remained silence to this, "Not talking? Can I take your silence as a 'yes' then?" she furthered taunt; his eyes had not taken off of her.

Kama's mood slowly grew bitter at his silence, "SAY SOMETHING!" she snapped at the lion, he grew a smirk at her outbreak only enraging her further, "I SAID SPEAK!" she charged.

Diving her head towards Tau, he followed suit as the two crashed head, the two had been put in a stalemate in headbutting, "Not collapsing this time I see." Kama said trying to further taunt the lion, but he only further remained his silence which broke her short taunting moment.

She raised her claw towards Tau's face as he pulled away, but a moment slow caused a few strands of fur to fall on the ground from under his eye, "Good reflexes, but not better than me." She further spoke.

"Glad to know I didn't disappoint you there." Tau said catching Kama in surprise, "So, you finally decided to speak now." She said looking at the smirk on the lion's face. "But how long can you last against me this time?" she asked.

Jasiri, Kiara, and Tiifu were rushing through the Outlands while carrying the unconscious Zuri on the hyena's back, "Was it a good idea leaving him back there with that serval?" Kiara asked the hyena while trying to keep up with her pace.

"No, but he knows that if we don't get you and your friends back home, you will only be in danger." Jasiri responded, a worried look on her as she tried focusing on their current task.

'Tau, don't die.' Jasiri thought as she raced through the landscape of sand, stone, and boulders that litter across.

Tau and Kama slowly circled around each other, "Why can't you see that we don't have to live in the past anymore?" he tried to reason with the serval who glared at him.

She let out a harsh chuckle, "Past? You think you can sugarcoat what happened as some simple word?! What had my reason for all that suffer had been for if it could be thrown away like that?! Being casted away by my family, violated by those dogs, and hated by everyone for being a FREAKING ALBINO!" her words started snapping.

Tau looked at her eyes that burned like their color, "I don't hate you." He said, her rage subsided for a moment at that, "No, I can't! I WON'T LET YOU STOP ME!" she snapped back to her rage.

She charged at Tau, raising her paw from under and bang him to the ground with them placed against the lion's throat. She stood over him as she applied pressure against his throat to chock him, "How does it feel?! Being helpless and weak?!" she said glaring at his frightened eyes.

Tau struggled to shove her off of him, placing his paws under her belly and trying to push with what strength he had, but it was proving to be futile as she only continued to press harder on down against his throat.

She looked down on the lion, his vision slowly starting to fade as his eyelids starting to shut on him, the sound of gurgling for air as his muscles started to weigh down on him.

"Tell me now, did you really think anyone cared about us?! Animals like us who were never wanted in the first place! Death is the only salvation, and I had hoped you would bring me my salvation." Kama said as she watched the final moments as Tau's eyes had fully shut on him.

His body had gone limp, his breathing had stopped, Tau had died.

Author Note:

Hey Everyone, sorry that this chapter took longer to come out of the 4/5 moment before the bonus I had promised. Things were a mess; internet is unstable at the moment as it had been going on and off repeatedly preventing me from speaking with my editor.

Well, since Tau is dead now...I guess this story is dead as well without the Main Character, hope you enjoyed the story! Goodbye! FIN! No more new Chapters!

Yeah, next chapter will be out Thursday along with the bonus I promised, and I will try to provide more chapters either that day or Friday and try to make up a few of my delays.

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