Kulua (Pt. 2)

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A Quick Warning: This chapter does involve mention of blood.

It had been a few days after Kulua had told Hekima about the vision he had; and during which nothing had happened.

Another night had come to the Outlands for the two friends, but what they were about to face was going to change everything. Lurking under the full moon was a creature they had not expected to see, an amber lion with black mane.

"What is a lion doing in the Outlands?" Kulua asked Hekima confusedly.

Lions are prideful animals, and the Outlands is nothing more than a wasteland. Why would any of them come to such a place as this? This sparked a curiosity in the two followed in secrets.

They had followed him to the Elephant's Graveyard, it sent a chill down their spines as they knew who resided in this area. It was homed to the hyena Shenzi and her pack which reaches over in the hundreds.

The lion had made his way towards the giant skull that marks the place, where three hyenas had been waiting for him. They would had expected for there to be a bloodshed between the two, but there wasn't. The hyenas had allowed the lion to pass through and the four made their way into the skull and out of the cold night.

"What's happening?" Kulua questioned, Hekima shook his head not knowing what was also happening.

The two slowly approached by as to not alert the hyenas or that lion, they started hearing the voice of argument, "You know the plan, if Mufassa's child should be born, my reign will be taken from me, and you will not get what you want." The lion said to the three hyenas.

The two looked surprised at this, an alignment between a lion and the hyenas was something unheard of.

Hekima slowly step back away, unaware of the pile of bones behind him. Knocking them down with the sound of clutter, "What was that?!" Shenzi said shooting her head towards the exit.

The three hyenas slowly started heading towards where the sound had come from, leaving to find that no one was present.

"Aw man! No one is around!" Banzai said in a gripping disappointing tone as Ed simply let out a laughter. Shenzi look around to try and see if there could be any clue to what was with the noise, "Wait a minute." She said sniffing a couple of scent that didn't seem familiar.

She let out a growl, picking up the scent of another hyena and another creature, a feline. Though it wasn't a lion, she was familiar with their scent, but it was still of the same species.

Kulua and Hekima both charged away from the Graveyard as fast as they could, worried about what would happen if they had been caught.

"Did you hear what they say?" Hekima asked Kulua looking a bit nervous.

Kulua was trying to take a quick breather from the running the two did, Hekima was no exception to this though, "Something about Mufasa's child. Isn't Mufasa the king of the Pridelands?" Kulua said.

Hekima nodded at this, "What do we do about this?" Hekima asked Kulua, looking confused and nervous at what they had just witness. Kulua let out a deep sigh trying to come up with an idea on this matter.

"I don't know, not like we could do anything anyways." Kulua said getting a surprised look from Hekima, "What do you me-" he was saying before being cut by Kulua, "What could we do? This matter involves only the Pridelands, and even if we did something about it, not like they would listen to us. We're Outlanders, they would just chase us back before we could tell them anything." Kulua said looking depressed.

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