My Brother... / To the Volcano

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The group's following Tau to his home, wondering why he needed the help of his 'brother' in getting to the Volcano to collect the ash. Makini whispers over to Fuli who was keeping an eye on Tau, "What's with the scar?" which Fuli whispers back to Makini, "He hasn't told us much about it. But it's best not to bring it up with him." Makini raced up next to Tau, "So Tau, what is it like living in the Outlands?" she asked, trying to start a friendly conversation with him.

Tau glances over at the mandrill who was now walking next to him with a smile, though she looks to be a bit nervous as well, "Why don't you Pridelander try figuring that one out yourself!?" Tau growled ever so lightly under his breath, Makini feeling a bit hurt from the comment of Tau to which Fuli snarled at Tau, "That was uncalled for!" she complained to him.

Looking over at the cheetah who was glaring at him he gave a slight smirk, "You were the ones who came to the Outland seeking for my help. You're more than welcome to try doing this yourselves." Giving the cheetah a snark. Tau returned on path and the others followed behind, Fuli was feeling ever so infuriated at the lion with the gang trying to comfort her, "Cheer up Fuli, I'm sure he didn't mean it." Beshte said. Fuli whispering under her breath, "I still don't trust him." Looking at the lion with annoyance.

"So, what is your brother like anyway Tau?" Beshte now starting a conversation with him which Fuli worried that he may start to chew out at him for the same thing as Makini. But it was different from the last, " brother." He whispers looking up at the sky with a smile, "Guess you could say he is the greatest, funniest, and dorkiest brother around. He's always there for me when I get into trouble and would worry about me, even when he tries to deny it." Beshte was excited in Tau's admiration for his brother, "Poa, it sounds like your brother is really great." Tau gave a slight chuckle, "Yeah, he really is."

The group had been moving along the Outlands for a few moments and made it to Tau's den entrance as he turns to look at the other, "Around the corner is where I live, I'm going to need you to promise you won't start a fight with my brother or our pack." Tau explained to the others, paying more attention to Fuli in particular. Worried why he would need to ask of this they agreed not to start a fight, "Alright, wait right here for a moment." He finished and made his way inside.

The group could hear the conversation that soon followed afterwards, "Hey look, Tau's back!" a voice calling out to the arrival of the lion, "Yeah! What's he doing back so early?" another voice responds, "Hey Cheezi, where's Janja?" the one who's voice they know to be Tau. "Janja, I believe he said he went to get a drink." the voice they think is this Cheezi that Tau asked responds.

Another voice that was not from the passing conversation came, "I'm right here fur brain. Why are you looking for me Tau?" they think to be his brother.

"I'm needing your help in visiting the volcano." Tau said to which the voice responds with a shock, "The Volcano! Tau, you know who lives there!" which got the others curious what he meant by that, "I know, and trust me. I would rather not go anywhere near that place if I have too, but there's a reason." Tau responds back sounding nervous which a thinking hum was heard, "What happened?"

Tau calls out to the group in the corner, "You can come out." Which the spectators around Tau were curious as to who he was talking to when a cheetah, honey badger, hippo, egret, and a mandrill all came walking out, the mandrill gasping at the sight, "Hyenas!" The cheetah quickly gets in defenses towards the hyenas, "What is the meaning of this!" Fuli called out to Tau.

He heads over to Fuli and the others and whispers at them, "If you're wanting to get the ash, then behave yourself and let me do the talking!" Fuli had wanted to voice her complaint, or rather so did everyone else for their safety but he had helped them before, that maybe he knows what he's doing.

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