Kama's on the Move (Pt.2)

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The hyena and jackal both kept a close watch on Kama, Hatari was prepared for the possibility that Kama was planning to kill her, but she now was worried that trying anything that could annoy the serval would risk the life of Kuru.

"Why did you bring Kuru here! Whatever you want to talk about, you can just ask me!" Hatari said to Kama who gave a chuckle, "You needn't worry too much Hatari, I promised, didn't I? We would only have a simple talk then you both can go back home unharmed." Kama said, and though she may sounded sincere and honest. They had doubt to her words.

"Then what do you want to ask us?" Hatari asked, Kuru stood behind her watching closely at Kama; neither of them knew much of Kama or Kulua but they knew the stories that spoke of Kama, that she hated Outlanders more than anything else.

"If there is a chance that there could be a war between the Pridelands and the Outlands, which side would the both of you choose?" Kama asked, this was something that surprised the two. Where did this question come from and why does she want to know? "What do you mean?" Hatari asked.

A sinister smirk quickly came to the serval after hearing that, 'That means Tau has yet to tell them, this will make things easier for me.' She thought to herself. "Yesterday, a group of four Pridelanders came into the Outlands to visit Tau." Kama said to the two. But this left the jackal unamused by this, thinking that it was the cheetah and her friends.

"Pridelanders come into the Outlands all the times, and Tau always had to lead them back to the Pridelands, that is nothing new!" Hatari said to Kama thinking she had one over her on this. But she saw that the sinister smirk had not washed away from Kama's face and a dreadful feeling came over, 'Why is she not reacting?'

"What if I were to tell you, these Pridelanders were 'Royals'?"

The two were surprised in hearing this, 'Why would they come to the Outlands? And to see Tau?' Hatari thought to herself trying to figure out what was going on. Kuru had an idea why but didn't want to acknowledge that Ushari and Safia's plan could be playing in motion like they had hope.

Kama slowly approached the two, Hatari was lost in thought failed to hear her continuing to speak, "Poor Hatari, you seem to be confused, why would Tau speak with them? Could he be hiding something from 'me'? Am 'I' really his friend or is he just using 'me'?" Kama said, as if trying to mock what might be going through her head.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" A voice shouting from behind Hatari, she looked to see Kuru shocked as much as she was at the sudden outburst, "Tau wouldn't hide anything from us, I'm sure it was a surprise to Tau as it is for us!" Kuru said. Hatari was surprised to not realize that possibility that this meeting that Kama just told them was just their first and there could be no meaning behind it.

"Oh shoot-" Kama said sarcastically as if it was just a joke, "And here I thought I managed to get one of Tau's strongest ally to betray him." She finished with a chuckle.

"You think this is a joke?!" Hatari said to Kama annoyed at being played.

"Joke? No, a joke is what you two are. This is just a bit of entertainment to myself." Hatari and Kuru were both disgusted by her answer, treating others like it's a game, Kuru wonders why anyone would find it fun to hurt others.

"Let us get back to the question, which side would you two pick?" Kama asked. They still wonder why she cared for this, but they wanted to finish this and hopefully be rid of her, "I'd fight to protect my friends! Even if it means fighting against Outlanders." Hatari said standing her ground.

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