Jasiri's Clan / Through the Outlands (pt.1)

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Tau's was on his way to visit Jasiri's clan tugging along a zebra he caught for her clan, "I hope the pups will be happy with this." He thought to himself with a smile. Imagining a pair of pups getting excited for a meal. He arrives in their den and took a breath to regain his strength from the struggling of hulling that.

"Anyone home?" he called out looking around for someone, soon a pair of noise could be heard as he sees coming out of the cave were two small hyenas, "Tau here!" charging at him and collide with the lion with cheer. Hoping on the lion and tugging on his ear, he chuckles at the two's energetic play, "Tuna, Wema. That hurt you two." Tau said to the pups.

Another voice came chuckling in, "Alright you two, let's not go hurting our guest." She said picking them up one after the other and placing them down, "Sorry about that Tau, they're still pups." She apologizes to the lion, "It's alright Madoa! Just hope they could be gentler next time." he informed rubbing where the two were hoping on.

The two pups apologized as well, "I brought you all something." He said to the three hyenas grabbing the zebra he had hunted and brought it for them, "Tau! This is very kind of you." Madoa said to him with amazement, "It's alright. And now that I notice, where is Jasiri?" Tau said with confusion and concern for the missing hyena.

Madoa looked around noticing Jasiri was not around, "She was with me when we were inside the cave." She also questioning where she went, the group making their way back to the cave seeing it was empty, "What're you looking at!" Jasiri popped up behind the group almost giving Tau a heart attack. "Don't do that Jasiri!" Tau said taking deep breath from that. Jasiri was rolling on the ground laughing while the other three chuckled at the spooked lion.

Tau calmed down and looked at Jasiri with an annoyance at falling for her trick, "You might be better at sneaking up, but bad at being menacing." He snark back with a taunt, Jasiri stood back up, "You want to see menacing?" and tackled him before he could react pouncing him to the ground. Tau tried to struggle out of the hold she had him, but to no avail when it comes to brute strength, he was never able to best her cunning use of using her opponent's strength against them.

Lowering down her head baring her teeth at the lion with a growl, "So who's the menacing one now?" she asked the lion who grinned at her coming up with an idea, raising his head to her and giving a lick on her nose, she flustered and lose focus long enough for Tau to fling Jasiri out from under her.

"Not very menacing now." Tau taunted Jasiri who was a regaining her ground with a fluster on her face, "Cheap shot." She pouts back, "I didn't think the two of you were in that kind of relationship." Madoa comment which the two were in shock for a moment looking at each other grossing out at that, "It's not like that <Madoa|Sister>!" the both said in unison glaring at her to take back that motion.

Madoa snickers at the two and how similar they act sometimes. The two pups were confused as to what was going on as they look at each other puzzled. "Why don't we go eat, Tau brought us some grub." Madoa diverted the two's attention and made her way to the zebra that he brought.

[Returning from Jasiri's Clan]

Tau was lost in thought as to what Madoa said back there, suggesting the two were in a relationship, "It's not that I hate her, but we are like family." Tau spoke to himself trying to calm down but remembering when he licked her brought back the dilemma. "Do I have feelings for her?" he questioned.

Along the path he heard a couple of voices he does not remember along with a voice he remembers from a while back, "Bunga! What were you thinking coming to the Outlands!", "We need to get out of here before we get caught.", "Relax, as my uncles always say, Hakuna Matata!" Tau looked to seeing a group of animals he didn't remember seeing along with a cheetah who he remembers all too well.

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