Reminiscing of the Past

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Tau and Jasiri laid under the night sky, staring at the stars that shines above them. Even though the two had always on occasion snuck out at night to enjoy the stars when they were kits. Tonight felt different from all those other times, it was the night when they told the other their feeling for one another.

Resting against one another, "Tau." Jasiri said gaining his attention towards her, "I was thinking, how do you think the others will take the news about, 'us'." She asked curiously. A moment of silence fill the air between the two before it became filled with laughter from them both.

"Come on Jasiri, you should know how everyone would react." Tau said assuring to her with a smile, "I'm more worried about Hatari finding out, she won't let me live this down." He further stated.

Jasiri couldn't help but laugh at imagining how she would taunt Tau over this, "Kuru would be happy to hear us getting together." Tau mentioned. And Jasiri could see that, Kuru was always supportive to others' feelings.

"What about the other two? Have you heard from them recently?" Jasiri asked catching the lion off for a moment, "I- I haven't. I know Mzutoa can handle himself, but what if something happened to Harufu." He said a little sadden. Jasiri rolled her eyes at Tau's worriedness for him, "I'm sure he's alright." She assured him.

"How can you be sure?" Tau asked curiously, Jasiri let a chuckle, "Your memory must not be that great, remember all the times Hatari would try to 'teach him a lesson'." She said, the two quickly fell back into laughter, "I guess that's true; I can't tell the number of times she tried dropping boulders on him." Tau said.

"I know Madoa would be happy to know I found someone; she's been pestering me to find someone to settle down with." Jasiri said rolling her eyes, Tau couldn't help but blush at that. "What are you thinking about Tau?" Jasiri caught on to his blush, giving him a smug.

Tau felt a nervous tug on him, "I-uh!" he struggle to come up with something before she interrupted, "It's still too early to be thinking about that." Jasiri said giving him a lick, leaving Tau to feel embarrassed at her knowing what he was thinking. "Besides, you should first mention this to Janja." She said which caught a moment silent between the two.

"Please! I already know how brother will react." He said both annoyed and sure of himself, they looked towards each other making sure they were on the same page, "He would blow a fuse!" they said in unison before laughing.

Things had started settling for the two, enjoying the sound of each other's breathing, their heart pounding in a synchronize rhythm, felling like the other half of who they are is right beside them.

Jasiri took a moment before asking Tau a question, "Do you remember, when we first met?"

Tau took a moment to see the seriousness in her eyes for this question, 'Why is she bringing that up?' Tau wondered as she waited for the answer, Tau let out a small sigh, "I could never forget, that was the best day of my life." He said making the hyena curious, "How come?"

He gave her a sly smug, "That was the day I got to be friends with you, obviously." He answered, Jasiri couldn't help but struggle to hold back her laughter from that cheesy line, "Nice try, Romeo!" brushing her paw against his face.

"I do mean it though-" Tau said grabbing her attention, "Sometimes I would wonder if I had never met you, where would I be?" he said which twinge at the curiosity of the hyena at how empty he sounded there.

"Where do you think you would be?" Jasiri asked nervously for the answer. Tau looked sadden, even disgusted at what he thought, "I could have been like Scar." Hearing those words filled the hyena with fear. Tau hated to be compared to Scar, even the mention of 'him' was something she was nervous to do around him, but to say that, she wonder how he came to that conclusion.

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